Showing posts with label Synthrotek. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Synthrotek. Show all posts

Saturday, September 14, 2024

JLR's Modular Synthesizers - System Breakdown #14 -

video upload by John L Rice

JLRs Modular Synthesizers - System Breakdown posts

"This is my fourteenth video breakdown/rundown, this time for my very smallest Eurorack system, just a single 4ms Pod20 case! This will be the last one for a while, thanks for enduring my unprecedented flood of breakdowns this month and for your patience waiting for the "big one" coming late 2024/early 2025 (hopefully!)

0:00 Beginning
0:20 Introduction
0:56 Module and Modifications
3:06 Final Words
4:14 Demo: "The Night Train Never Stops"
10:48 End

List of the modules in this system
Synthrotek: TST
Mutable instruments: Ears
Intellijel: Mult (modified)
Polaxis: Talko
4ms Company: Pod20 (modified)

Additional items shown and used for the demo:
Division 6: Business Card Synthesizer
Tall Dog: uClouds SE (clone of Mutable Instruments Clouds)
Tendrils Cables: patch cables
Strymon: BigSky and Timeline pedals
Lexicon: MX400

Train video clips licensed from artists in the following order:

DRUNK BABY IS DRUBK clips are from the "Woodsie TV" YouTube channel.

As always, thank you for watching, rating, following, subscribing, and commenting! 🥳 If you found the content of this video helpful, interesting, or entertaining, please consider showing your support so I can stay stocked up on coffee and cookies. 😋"

Friday, August 02, 2024

Correction: Passive Mixing revisited

video upload by O.Z. Hall

"This video is a combination of a technical correction and a demonstration of a very inexpensive 2hp Passive Mixer kit from

The error I'm correcting is in reference to Passive Mixing with a multiple. This error was in my System 55 Mixers video starting at about 2:30. [posted here]

Here's a link (not an affiliate link) to the product:
Here's a link to the build Assembly Instructions document:


0:00 - Intro
1:30 - MIX Kit
2:28 - Use Cases for Passive Mixing
3:22 - Examples
4:02 - Mix Audio Waveforms
5:55 - Mix Low Frequency Waveforms
8:02 - LFO into Sample and Hold
9:50 - LFO into Quantizer
11:52 - Conclusion"

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Buchla Music Easel in Eurorack!

video upload by Electrum Modular

"Unveiling of the Easel-esque system! Demonstration includes three patches, with notes on each."

ST Modular SHIKENSA (1st post to feature one)
Intellijel Scales
ALM Pip Slope
ALM Pamela's Workout
Intellijel Dixie II+
Shakmat Banshee Reach
Intellijel Bifold
Make Noise Optomix
Synthrotek MIXIV
ART Junction (1st post to feature one)
Mutable Instruments Beads
Doboz Touch Plate Controller & Gliss
Expert Sleepers Disting

Tuesday, April 09, 2024

Overlooked Module #14: Synthrotek CF Crossfader

video upload by Musical Miscellany

"It's been a while since I've posted an Overlooked Modules episode. Today, I'm taking a closer look at the Synthrotek CF (Crossfader). This completely passive 2hp module is one every wiggler should own. It's not only handy to fill small gaps in your system, but it's genuinely useful in your patches. And since it's passive, you don't even need rackspace to use it.

Module page on Synthrotek's website:"

Sunday, March 12, 2023

Post Rearrangement Modular Synth Test

video upload by John L Rice

"Seems like I can never commit for very long on what modules I have in this case. Currently it’s mostly modules from Synthrotek, Division6, and George Mattson. #modularsynth #eurorackmodular #eurorackmodular"

Saturday, February 25, 2023

Quick Test After Korg MS2000R MIDI Switching Modification

video upload by John L Rice

"In this custom case of eurorack modules and a Korg MS2000R I have a custom interface module that brings all of the MS2000R’s inputs and outputs to the front. Last year I added a switch to the panel to select MIDI from either the panel’s input jack or what ever is plugged into the Synthrotek MIDI To Cv module. Today I added a behind the panel connection from the Division6 / Mattson SQ816 sequencer to the custom panels’s MIDI input so I can dispense with using an external cable. #eurorackmodular #modularsynth #korg"

Sunday, November 27, 2022

Briskly Walking Off The Turkey

video upload by John L Rice

"Another post rearrangement test.

2hp: Rnd, Div, Nse, EG, LFO
Xaoc Devices: Tirana
Mutable Instruments/Tall Dog Electronics: uBraids
Happy Nerding: MMM VCF
Instruo: [1]f
Manhattan Analog: DTM
Synthrotek: EKO
4ms: Pod48x"

Tuesday, April 05, 2022

Overlooked Module #11: Synthrotek AstroNoise

video upload by Poorness Studios

"This is the next video in my Overlooked Modules series and I'm showcasing the AstroNoise module from Synthrotek. It's available as a DIY kit or a completed module and it contains a plethora of arcade-like sounds. It can be a glitch module, a drone module, a percussion module, or whatever else you want it to be."

Poorness Studios Overlooked Module posts

Monday, February 14, 2022

Synthrotek waterproof 84hp Euro case quick review

video upload by Meska

"Hey, this is the only one water proof euro case i found online, and i realy like it :)

Thank you fwor watching.
My name is Meska of the statik collective . I've been making mostly 'dark and expérimental' music for more than ten years now, i'v learn so much online, now it's time for me to share my knoledge, my exploration and this channel is a place to talk about the tools, sound design and techniques to make music with.
i'm tattooist at day jobs and you can found my work here :

You can stream my albums and EPs at

If you'd like to support the channel​ consider buying music from bandcamp ;)"

Wednesday, February 09, 2022

Ambient Explorations pt.32 (Atari Punk Console DIY Synthesizer)

video upload by Piotr Garbaczonek

"I decided to start learning about how to build DIY synthesizers, and the basics of circuit bending as a whole, so as a complete noob in all of this, I bought an Atari Punk Console DIY synthesizer kit on synthrotek. I spent probably close to 7 hours on this simple build, just because I never soldered anything in my life so it took some troubleshooting at some point, but I managed to get it working somewhat. I will be making videos about DIY synthesizers and time-lapses and whatnot of my beginner experiments, and such. For now, I made this 'ambient' piece with the 'Quinoa Punk Console'. I thought it would be funny if I put it into a used box of Chewy granola bars, instead of a normal box.

Here are some links of mine:
Go follow my Patreon here:

Tuesday, December 07, 2021

Synthrotek Atari Punk Console: Build & Demo

video upload by

"It's time for some more DIY fun! The good folks at Synthrotek sent me this APC (Atari Punk Console) kit to build and review. This is a very simple circuit but it can yield some impressive 8-bit tones. I used a cookie bucket from last Holiday Season to house the unit. It really came out nice.

Intro @ 0:00
Overview & Background @ 0:38
What is it? @ 2:03
Sound Samples @ 3:06
Conclusion @ 7:13"

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Synthrotek Passive Ring Modulator Kit: Build & Demo

video upload by poorness studios

"I recently bought one of the passive ring modulator kits from Synthrotek. It's a fun little circuit. In this video, I go over the build process and do a few audio demos."

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Astronoise Eurorack 8-bit Video Game Noise Drum Module - Features Demo

video upload by synthrotek

Sunday, September 12, 2021

NEW! Eurorack Astronoise Drum module. First Look! Free at Knobcon 2021

video upload by synthrotek

"The long awaited Astronoise in Euriorack form with a drum envelope and VCA. This is our PCB/PANEL freebee for #knobcon2021"

Friday, May 22, 2020

AES Modular Eurorack System

Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.
Published on Apr 8, 2020 ambitstudio

via this auction

"This is a DIY project. A complete portable eurorack format, modular synthesizer. Modules were built from PCB boards and components Custom screen printed face plates and wood control panel. Installed in a vintage case with real fabric tweed, custom screen printed image on bottom of lid. Includes a one of a kind book explaining each module as well as 8 patch examples for this specific system. Also includes power adapter, power supply and patch cables. This is a one-of-a-kind system. This can be patched into any eurorack system.

Nonlinearcircuits 2XLFO
Nonlinearcircuits 4SEQ
Synthrotek Astronoise Oscillator
Barton Musical Circuits Random Resonator
Barton Musical Circuits Random Simple AR
Synthrotek Dirt Filter
Nonlinearcircuits Mixer
Barton Musical Circuits Buffered Multiple
Barton Musical Circuits Keyboard

Also Includes:Manual
15 Patch Cables
Power Supply and Adapter"

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Dub Techno Live #1 / novation circuit , eurorack modular synth

Published on May 16, 2020 HAGIWO modular synthesizer channel

dub techno music live jam

triger : synthroteck m/div
samplar : erica synths sample drum
filter : tiptop audio planets
reverb : mutable instruments clouds

voice sample by 小池百合子 東京都知事

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Klangbau Köln Eurorack: Analog FM, Filter Pings & Wavetable Synth Sounds #TTNM

Published on Apr 21, 2019 THE TUESDAY NIGHT MACHINES

"In this video I demonstrate a patch combining analog FM, filter pings and digital wavetable oscillator sounds.


Klangbau Köln Website:

Patch Notes:
The patch is a combination of four sounds, mixed together and sent through a VCA and audio effects.

1. XR-VCO (big version) sine wave output with added linear frequency modulation from the Variable qVCF's LP output in self-oscillation
2. Variable qVCF BP output in self-oscillation
3. Twin Peak Filter Pings modulated by the Wavetable VCDO audio output
4. Wavetable VCDO audio

All sounds are mixed with a Doepfer A-138 exp. audio mixer and sent into the Klangbau Waveshaper module, although only to use its clean (non-waveshaping) VCA, modulated by the Klangbau ADSR envelope.

The ADSR is trigger by the Pulse 2 output of Klangbau's Rob Hordijk Benjolin, which is sometimes FM'ed by its own chaotic Rungler CV.

The Pulse 2 output also triggers the digital version of the Klangbau Logistic Equation (Logistische Gleichung), which generates chaotic pitch CV for the XR-VCO, qCF and Wavetable VCDO and also pings the Twin Peak Filter's audio input. The CV is also used to modulate the Wavetable DCO's waveform choice.

After the VCA, the audio runs through the Synthrotek EKO Delay, which is modulated by the Benjolin's Rungler, and then through the Klangbau Köln Spring Reverb."

Tuesday, April 02, 2019

NANDAMONIUM 2019 - RAW Sounds Demo Euroack

Published on Apr 1, 2019 synthrotek

"Low pulsing drones, dive bombs and high-pitched laser sounds! This drone monster has six square wave oscillators with a delay, essentially combining two 4093 NAND Synths and one Cosmic ECHO.

The Nandamonium has two SAG CV inputs. When the CV jack is patched and the switch is toggled to "CV," the NAND circuit is powered directly by the incoming voltage. Beyond controlling pitch, the incoming CV can also be used to create lofi rhythmic effects.

Dial in your drone with the Nandamonium!


Six tunable square wave oscillators and two level controls
Delay rate, mix, and feedback controls, with touch control over the rate and mix
Warp switch: adds a bright, "small" speaker tone
Blast switch: introduces max feedback into the circuit momentarily, great for adding rhythm and strange sounds
Two SAG CV inputs, one per NAND synth
CV/On Switch allows selection of CV control or internal power control (1 switch per NAND synth)
3.5mm jacks
Module width: 38HP
Module depth: 22mm
+12V current draw: 15mA"

Friday, December 14, 2018

Alchemical Audio Touch Controller

Published on Dec 14, 2018 synthrotek

"The Alchemical Audio Touch Controller is a 60HP Eurorack or standalone touch keyboard interface with portamento and pitch bend controls.

If you're looking for something to add to your Moog Mother 32, look no further! At 60HP (12 inches) wide, it's the same size as a Mother 32 or DFAM, and will fit into Moog's tiered rack case. It will also fit into Synthrotek's 6U or 9U Cheeks of Steel. If you want to use it as a tabletop unit, it looks great in our Bus Cheeks.

Touch Controls:
The keyboard pads are shaped and positioned so that a "finger drumming" technique can be developed that is very fast compared to the traditional keyboard, which requires a series of mechanical events to trigger the circuit, string, tine or whatever. Notes are triggered instantly when a fluctuation of capacitance is received. Why 25 notes? It just seemed conventional, and it fit perfectly into a 60HP Eurorack row.
The arrows shift the pitch an octave up or down at each touch.
The four squiggly lines found above the keyboard "bend" the pitch up or down by a semitone or a full octave.

The portamento/slew/lag glides the pitch smoothly from one note to the next. The LAG AMT knob changes the amount of time it takes to get from note A to note B. When switched to "ON" mode, portamento is always present on a note change. If the knob is turned fully counter-clockwise, the effect is turned off.
The LAG GATE IN jack allows a gate to turn the portamento function on and off. Used with a sequencer, LFO or other voltage source, you can make soulful bass lines and melody variations with ease! The slewing function will only happen when an incoming gate is high, externally controlling when "slides" can happen. If the gate goes back to low in the middle of a glide, the pitch will jump to the last note played.

Monophonic or Polyphonic:
The CV OUT jack covers 8 octaves and is monophonic, great for lead lines or bass lines and easy to integrate with your synths. When one note isn't enough, the MIDI OUT has a huge 10-octave range and is polyphonic, allowing you to play all 25 keyboard pads at the same time if you wish.
MIDI: MIDI data transmits on channel 1. The portamento function is tied to the CV output and will not work with the MIDI out. The pitch bend will work with MIDI so long as the unit receiving the MIDI signal has a pitch bend function.

Sunday, December 09, 2018

Sunday Drone (TX Wiggles 36)

Published on Dec 9, 2018 poorness studios

"I woke up this morning and decided to do a jam with an odd collection of instruments. This was the result.

Here is the link for the drone box I use in this video:

Check out all my TX Wiggles videos here:"


Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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