MATRIXSYNTH: Atari Punk Console

Showing posts with label Atari Punk Console. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Atari Punk Console. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Vaemi Atari Punk Console (Standalone & Eurorack)

Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.
video upload by Vaemi

Atari Punk Console : Short Review : Vaemi (Standalone Synthesizer)
Atari Punk Console : Basic Features : Vaemi (Standalone Synthesizer)
Atari Punk Console : With Analog Ribbon Controller : Vaemi (Eurorack)
Atari Punk Console : With Analog Sequencer : Vaemi (Standalone Synthesizer)
Mini Mixer (With Atari Punk Console, Cracklebox & PO-12) : Short Review : Vaemi (Synthesizer)

via Vaemi Reverb

VAEMI's Atari Punk Console features a circuit design that operates with two oscillators and the modulation between these oscillators. Based on the "Stepped Tone Generator" circuit developed by Forrest M. Mims III in the early 1980s, this design is one of the significant milestones in electronic music history.

Thanks to the two oscillators, it offers the possibility to select harmonic degrees based on the fundamental frequency. This feature allows users to create melodic arpeggios.

Sunday, December 11, 2022

Tiny Bug - a mini glitch Synth!

video upload by Albert Nyström

"This is a little synth I recently built.
It´s kinda based around an Atari punk console, but I added a few bits and pieces to make it more fun and experimental.

Pretty fun to just mess around with and make some noise!"

Thursday, October 27, 2022


video upload by GlakGlikGluk

"Assembly into a box for easy use and avoid all things that can damage electronics .

IG : glakglikgluk"

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Diy Atari Punk Console

video upload by GlakGlikGluk

"Drilling, Transfer Printing and Assembly of ATARI PUNK CONSOLE Synthesizer
IG : glakglikgluk"

Thursday, September 22, 2022


video upload by GlakGlikGluk

"this is music with time generator."

Friday, May 06, 2022

Vacuum Tube Atari Punk Console + MAY UPDATE


"​@Usagi Electric vacuum tube atari punk console! check his project out!
WE ARE OPEN THIS WEEKEND information / contact:-

Vacuum Tube Atari Punk Console Build Video Here

Wednesday, February 09, 2022

Ambient Explorations pt.32 (Atari Punk Console DIY Synthesizer)

video upload by Piotr Garbaczonek

"I decided to start learning about how to build DIY synthesizers, and the basics of circuit bending as a whole, so as a complete noob in all of this, I bought an Atari Punk Console DIY synthesizer kit on synthrotek. I spent probably close to 7 hours on this simple build, just because I never soldered anything in my life so it took some troubleshooting at some point, but I managed to get it working somewhat. I will be making videos about DIY synthesizers and time-lapses and whatnot of my beginner experiments, and such. For now, I made this 'ambient' piece with the 'Quinoa Punk Console'. I thought it would be funny if I put it into a used box of Chewy granola bars, instead of a normal box.

Here are some links of mine:
Go follow my Patreon here:

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Vacuum Tube Atari Punk Console

video upload by Usagi Electric

"Happy New Year! To kick the new year off, we’re going to do something completely out of the norm – we’re building DIY synth stuff out of vacuum tubes! Well, maybe that’s not totally out of the norm, haha. The Atari Punk Console is one of the most quintessential circuits you can build when taking your first steps into the world of DIY synth stuff, so I figured why not make it out of vacuum tubes!"

0:00 Intro
3:08 555 timer kit update
4:13 What I got wrong in this version
5:13 Testing the 555 timer kit
7:25 Two 555 timers = Atari Punk Console
10:46 Building a better APC
12:44 First tests
14:12 What I got wrong
15:04 The schematic
17:35 What if we try a different tube?
19:31 Testing even more tubes in it
21:31 Thoughts
23:17 Bunny!

Tuesday, December 07, 2021

Synthrotek Atari Punk Console: Build & Demo

video upload by

"It's time for some more DIY fun! The good folks at Synthrotek sent me this APC (Atari Punk Console) kit to build and review. This is a very simple circuit but it can yield some impressive 8-bit tones. I used a cookie bucket from last Holiday Season to house the unit. It really came out nice.

Intro @ 0:00
Overview & Background @ 0:38
What is it? @ 2:03
Sound Samples @ 3:06
Conclusion @ 7:13"

Sunday, September 20, 2020

THE CIRCLE SYNTH OF DOOM, The Atari Atari Atari Punk Punk Punk Console Console Console


"These Songs Are Obsolete Atari Atari Atari Punk Punk Punk Console Console Console info available here :-
project page :-"

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Hellraiser Atari Punk Console Synth Noise/Sound Generator

via this auction

Don't miss the bottom shot.

"Hellraiser Circuit Bent Atari Punk Console Synth Noise/Sound Generator Handmade! Internal Red LED light."

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

10 Electronic Project Ideas To Do Whilst In Self Isolation, Electronics/Music

Published on Mar 17, 2020 LOOK MUM NO COMPUTER

"The most important thing to do in times like these is try and stay positive while doing everything you can to help.

These projects range from cheap things to slightly more pricey and also trust on the fact that logistics services are still very much intact.

-3D printers, i don't think it will be very long until a number of open source ventilator plans will be public , and will likely involve 3d printers, so if your community does not have one. maybe look into it! Lulzbot is pretty snazzy, but there are many other options :-

-Bare Conductive :-

-Atari console and baby 10 step sequencers all it takes is a quick search on the internet to bombarded with great resources!





-Ben Eater


-Tamiya Grasshopper :--"

Sunday, October 27, 2019

$82.46 DIY Eurorack Modular Synthesizer

Published on Oct 27, 2019 Ákos Turi

One more video below.

"Last year, I have been starting to design my own analog eurorack system. It is a cost effective, easy to build and simple system for hobbyst.

Module prices: [image below]

- Atari Punk Console
- Envelope generator
- Drone synth
- Low frequency oscillator
- Passive multiple
- Mixer
- Noise source
- Sample and hold
- Trigger/Sequencer (arduino)
- Voltage controlled amplifier
- Voltage controlled filter

📷 Sony RX100 Mark IV
🎹 Focusrite Scarlett 2i4"

Eurorack modular synth - On the run

Published on Apr 5, 2018

"This is the first 'musical" test with my DIY modular synth. The patch is very easy:
- 8 step cv/gate sequencer, BPM 160
- VCO square with pwm mod
- VCF on low pass
- Notes: E, G, A, G, D, C, D, E"

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Messssy mess

Published on Sep 21, 2019 juanito moore

"This weekend's hardware challenge was basically 'Make it Messy!' so this is messssssy. I ran patches between oscillators, sequencers, filters and effects without any concern for anything that made sense, just on whims. The result is pretty unpleasant, but hopefully at least slightly interesting.

No voting this weekend, which encourages lack of polish!

Modules used:
Atari Punk Console x1.5
TH-555 VCOs
Ken Stone's Psycho LFO
Thomas Henry's VCF-1s
303-based transistor ladder VCF
808 kick/snare/hat
909 ride cymbal
Three cheap Chinese reverb circuits built into modules. See my other videos coming soon for how to build one they are AMAZING."

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Cosmo Time Analog Square Wave Oscillator

Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.

via this auction

"Built into an old plastic alarm clock enclosure from the 80s!
It has four switchable "octaves" for maximum versatility. The synth can be switched on or played via the momentary arcade-style button on the top. Hours of fun! Hook it up to a bunch of effects for even more fun ;)

Made with top-quality parts, has fancy aluminum knobs! Runs on a standard 9VDC center negative power supply (i.e. One Spot®).

Controls are: Pitch, Volume, Octave Switcher, Momentary Play Button, Synth On/Off, Power On/Off. Has a 1/4" TS Mono Output jack."

Video below.

Friday, March 08, 2019

Rakit Baby8 sequencer controlling 2 Atari punk consoles!

Published on Mar 8, 2019 midierror

"The Rakit stuff is great, here the Baby8 sequencer is sending its output to two atari punk consoles set to different pitches. I made a little breadboard patchbay which allows the signal to be sent to two destinations for melodic richness and detuned madness.

In this quick vid I'm flicking between each of the atari punk consoles before finally playing them together."

Tuesday, October 23, 2018


Published on Oct 23, 2018 paul tas

double DRUM module
with 4x CV
based on the atari punk consol
from, Forrest M. Mims from 1980 with the 555 timer chip or 556
from chiptune to crunsy bass sound
FAT and thin texture are inspired by NO DRUM!
from gijs gieskes very musical.
between the traditional drums 808 and stuff
also and ode to .nekojirugekijou. for cat soup Anime
made by tAt .hack by ERROR

these modules sound F..... fantastic

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Hand made Synthesizer

Published on Oct 20, 2018 lo fidgerald

"I used piano toys, 2 x 555, 1 x photoresistor, 1 x white diode and 3 x capacitors (different capacitors = different sound)"

Atari Punk Console based DIY synth with micro keys.

Monday, September 10, 2018

New Tin Can Modular Format from Modular For the Masses at Knobcon

Knobcon18: Modular for the Masses tin can modular

Published on Sep 10, 2018 sonicstate

Yes, modules literally in tin cans! :) DIY modular on the cheap - $4 for the oscillator module. That 303 filter does sound good.

"An alternative to the Eurorack format from module maker Modular For The Masses. Its kind of crazy looking but has a certain appeal no?
Find him on Instagram:"

Thursday, August 02, 2018

Frogger Theme Played on a Atari Punk

Published on Aug 2, 2018 MrCaliforniaD

"Feel free to ask any questions concerning this video in the comment section."

Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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