Showing posts with label ST Modular. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ST Modular. Show all posts

Monday, November 11, 2024

ST Modular - CINCO (Five Analog Oscillators in a Module)

video upload by Stefan Tretau

"The sound examples are not meant to be musical compositions, but rather provide a rapid overview of the module's sonic capabilities.

Further information on this module can be found at

00:00 Intro
00:16 Features
01:40 Five Oscillators
02:05 Tuna All
02:27 Pulse Width
02:48 CV PWM
03:23 Another Chord 1
03:49 SAW/PLS Switch
04:03 Another Chord 2
04:46 FM Inputs
05:38 Another Chord 3
05:59 Envelope Filtered Sequence
06:21 Noodle Around
08:10 Another Chord 4"

cinco / five oscillators in a module /
14 HP

CINCO consists of a series of five oscillators that can be controlled in pitch from a single source. It generates drones, chords and massive walls of sound that stand out impressively from classic single-wave oscillators.

key features

Five Analog Oscillators

2x Saw or Pulse and 3x Saw Waves

Individual Pitch Controls

Single CV Pitch Input

Transpose all Oscillators

Internal Mixer

Individual Outputs

Pulse Width Control (OSC 1 & 2)

FM Inputs (OSC 3, 4 & 5)

Skiff friendly

Wrong polarity protection

Monday, October 14, 2024

ST Modular Introduces CV EXPERT (Dual Polarizer, Offset & Gain + LFO, 4HP)

video upload by Stefan Tretau

"Sound examples are not supposed to be musical, but merely represent the voltage changes audiovisually.

For more information, please visit

00:00 Intro
00:05 Features
00:56 Polarizer, Offset, Gain
02:06 LFO Rate
02:36 Voltage Monitor"

CV EXPERT is a very compact yet powerful CV tool that is equipped with all the important functions you need to customise your control voltages. With its internal LFO, it is immediately ready for use without further patching.

CV Expert (Cve) is a versatile dual-channel tool for customizing control voltages.

Its internal LFO is normalised to both inputs and allows you to choose between a triangle or square wave via a jumper on the back. The LFO connection is automatically interrupted when an external CV is inserted. Adjust the LFO rate with the LFO RATE potentiometer.

The signal received at the DC-coupled inputs IN ① and IN ② passes through three CV tools:

The PLRZR potentiometer enables voltage attenuation and inversion.
At the midpoint, the signal is eliminated.
Turning to the right allows the original voltage to pass through (as with an attenuator).
Turning to the left inverts the signal, e.g. positive signals are converted into negative signals.

Adds or subtracts voltage from/to the passing signal.
OFFSET control determines the offset range.
In the center position, there is no voltage offset. Turning the control to the right shifts the voltage to the positive range, while turning it to the left shifts it to the negative range.

Amplifies the signal with a maximum gain of 2 at the GAIN control's maximum position, effectively doubling the applied voltage (e.g., +1V becomes +2V, +3V becomes +6V, or +4V becomes +8V).
The voltage is capped at a maximum of +/-10V.

Wednesday, October 02, 2024

ST Modular Euphoria Synthesizer - Walkthrough and Demo

video upload by Timothy Day, MPSE

"In this video I walk through what I know about the ST Modular Euphoria semi-modular DIY synthesizer, which admittedly in not a ton. This was a very challenging build; smd components and tons of connectors and LED's to install. The end result sounds pretty cool and I look forward to fussing with it more. Enjoy!"

Monday, September 16, 2024

ST Modular - ZEITREISE (Sample & Hold, Slew Limiter, Clock, 3x Slow CV)

video upload by Stefan Tretau

"Sound examples are not supposed to be musical, but merely represent the voltage changes audiovisually."

00:00 Intro
00:11 Info Card
01:13 Sample & Hold (S&H)
08:19 S&H out to Slew Limiter
02:48 S&H with External CV
03:30 S&H with External Clock
04:18 Slew Limiter Portamento
06:21 3x REISE & Slew Limiter to PYXIS VCO

zeitreise / sample & hold, slew limiter and meandering cv generator / 6 HP

ZEITREISE is about the slow sequence of events that helps to take voltage on a journey through time. Its your perfect tool for creating slow and unpredictable parameter changes via control voltage.

key features
Clock Generator
Sample & Hold
Slew Limiter
3x Slowly Meandering CV
Noise Generator
Internal Normalizations
Skiff Friendly
Wrong Polarity Protection

specs & downloads
width: 6 HP
depth: 30 mm
power: 60 mA @ +12V / 45 mA @ -12V

Monday, August 12, 2024

ST Modular - CONTROLLER (Four Channel CV Controller)

video upload by Stefan Tretau

"The sound examples are not meant to be musical compositions, but rather provide a rapid overview of the module's control capabilities.

Further information on this module can be found at

00:00 Intro
00:24 Features
01:35 Controlling Singer
03:39 Controlling Ghost 1
05:23 Controlling Ghost 2"

"The CONTROLLER module is a versatile four-channel CV control unit designed for precise management of up to four external CV parameters. Serving as a centralized control hub, it eliminates the need to individually access each control destination, streamlining the control process and enhancing workflow efficiency.

Four slider potentiometers are provided, each offering a travel length of 45mm. These sliders enable the application of unipolar voltages ranging from +0V to either +5V or +10V, which can be selected via a jumper located on the module's rear. Adjusting the slider upwards increases the voltage applied to its respective OUT socket, with the slider LED indicating the voltage level.

In addition to the sliders, each channel features a STRIKE button, allowing for the immediate application of a predetermined voltage on top of the voltage set by the slider. The maximum additional voltage that can be applied via the strike button is adjustable using the S MAX controls, ensuring seamless customization. This feature enables users to effortlessly set the desired voltage level to be activated with a simple button press.

The Controller utility is a convenient tool specifically crafted to manage multiple parameters of various modules, enhancing their accessibility during live performances.

key features
Four Channels with CV Output
Slide Potentiometers with LEDs
Strike-Buttons for immediate CV Changes
Control over max. Strike-Voltage
+5V or +10V max. Voltage Output
Skiff friendly
Wrong polarity protection

specs & downloads
width: 12 HP
depth: 30 mm
power: 45 mA @ +12V / 35 mA @ -12V

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Inverted echoes (a modular patch idea)

video upload by Electrum Modular

"The aim here – besides trying out the TSNM as an expressive keyboard – was to generate an inverted echo, so that a descending melody comes back as an ascending one, or vice versa. (I stole this idea from Bach, who often used contrapuntal inversion, playing the theme “upside-down”).

Mutable Instruments’ Beads (in delay mode) is perfect for this, but any module with a long delay would work. The other crucial ingredient is a multi-channel mixer/attenuverter such as Make Noise Maths (here, I’m using Acid Rain’s Junction).

Other modules used:
Intellijel’s Bifold
Intellijel’s Dixie II+
Intellijel’s Scales
Shakmat’s Banshee Reach
ALM’s Pamela’s New Workout
ALM’s Pip Slope
Make Noise Optomix
Bela Gliss
Doboz’s TSNM
Doepfer A 121-3
Mutable Instruments’ Plaits
ST Modular’s Shikensa
Befaco MixIV
Disting Mk4"

Monday, July 15, 2024

ST Modular - HANS (Analog Stereo Low-Pass Filter)

video upload by Stefan Tretau

"The sound examples are not meant to be musical compositions, but rather provide a quick overview of the module's capabilities.

Further information on this module can be found at

00:00 Intro
00:26 Features
01:45 Open & Close
03:18 Internal LFO
04:20 External CV & Internal LFO
04:45 Only External CV
04:59 Organic Movements"

HANS is a compact 4-pole low-pass stereo diode-ladder filter with an internal LFO. Inspired by the famous diode ladder filters found in EMS and Roland TB-303 devices, this filter delivers a distinct and unique sonic character. The module also features an internal LFO for dynamic movement of the cutoff frequency.

key features
Diode-Ladder Filter
4-Pole Low-Pass Design
Stereo Inputs and Outputs
Cutoff CV Control with Attenuator
Internal Triangle LFO with Level Control
LFO Output
Only 6 HP wide
Skiff friendly
Wrong polarity protection

specs & downloads
width: 6 HP
depth: 30 mm
power: 35 mA @ +12V / 29 mA @ -12V

Monday, May 20, 2024

ST Modular - KRAKONG (Duophonic Semi-Modular Sonic Voyager)

video uploads by Stefan Tretau

"KRAKONG is a duophonic generative synthesizer with a sequencer per voice, FM crossover modulation, an additional random modulation sequencer, one multimode filter with VCA, a buffered multiple and a resettable LFO. The design includes a collection of manual controls and connections for patching and CV control.

Each of the unit's two voices consists of a triangle and a square wave oscillator, a shift register sequencer, a decay envelope generator and a filter-based gate. In addition to the two synthesizer voices, which can be manually distributed in the stereo field, a third ring-modulated output of the two voices can be mixed to the main output. The tempo of all sequencers is determined by a clock generator, which can be controlled internally or synchronised externally to any voltage (audio and CV).

This musical instrument has a complete structure that allows for a wide range of sonic possibilities, from rhythmic drum patterns and tamed sonic chaos to textural and rough synth-sounds. The essence of this unit lies in the exploration of the interplay between the elements of the synthesiser, using the three sequencers and filters, manual controls and modulation patch points."

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Buchla Music Easel in Eurorack!

video upload by Electrum Modular

"Unveiling of the Easel-esque system! Demonstration includes three patches, with notes on each."

ST Modular SHIKENSA (1st post to feature one)
Intellijel Scales
ALM Pip Slope
ALM Pamela's Workout
Intellijel Dixie II+
Shakmat Banshee Reach
Intellijel Bifold
Make Noise Optomix
Synthrotek MIXIV
ART Junction (1st post to feature one)
Mutable Instruments Beads
Doboz Touch Plate Controller & Gliss
Expert Sleepers Disting

Saturday, March 09, 2024

Just a Minute - Travelling without Moving #1

video upload by Stefan Tretau

Saturday, February 17, 2024

ST Modular - KLANGMASCHINE (Dual Digital FM Synthesizer)

video upload by Stefan Tretau

via ST Modular

KLANGMASCHINE is a powerful tool for creating a wide range of sounds, from simple sine waves to complex and evolving textures. It combines two simple frequency modulated synthesizers to create a very powerful and versatile digital sound source.

key features
2 Voice FM Synthesizer plus Noise Generator
CV over all FM Parameters
Tone Control
Internal VCA
Internal Mixer
Individual Outputs
Wrong Polarity Protection ​

width: 16 HP
depth: 28 mm
power: 98 mA @ +12V / 56 mA @ -12V

Saturday, January 27, 2024

ST Modular - PEDAL PAL STEREO (FX Pedal Integration Module)

video upload by Stefan Tretau

00:00 Introduction
01:05 Module Details
02:24 More information on
02:47 PPS in Full Effect
04:11 Send, Return, Dry/Wet and Tone
04:57 CV Send
05:45 Expression Control & CV

via ST Modular

"Enhance your creative palette by seamlessly integrating your favorite guitar FX pedals into the realm of Eurorack modular. Take command over the amount and tone of the signal sent to your pedal and manipulate the expression pedal input using CV. To double the excitement, this module can handle stereo signals!"

key features
Stereo FX-Pedal Integration
Expression Input CV
Send CV
Send and Return Level Controls
Send Tone EQ
Dry/Wet Control
TRS Connections to FX Pedal
Phase Inversion Switch
Skiff friendly
Wrong polarity protection

Saturday, January 13, 2024


video upload by Stefan Tretau

00:00 Introduction
00:34 Module Controls
01:26 Website
01:56 ADSR Controls
03:00 Slow Range
03:23 Different Gate Lengths
03:47 Manual Level Control
04:16 Manual Gate Button
04:23 Decay Re-Trigger
04:53 Push Input
05:16 ADSR Cycle
05:39 Internal VCA
06:02 Inverted Output
06:31 Both Envelopes at the same time

via ST Modular

envoltura / dual analog envelope / 14 HP

Experience the classic charm of analog envelopes based on the Roland System 100M 140 Dual ADSR module, made snappier with intuitive visual controls. Furthermore, thanks to its built-in VCA, manual level controls, potent cyclical gate generator, and user-friendly trigger buttons, ENVOLTURA elevates your sound-sculpting prowess to new heights. And when you double it up, prepare for twice the thrill!

key features
Based on System 100M 140 Module
CV Level Control
Inverted Output
Push Inputs
Short and Fast Switch
Manual Trigger Buttons
Cycle Functionality
Skiff friendly
Wrong polarity protection

specs & downloads
width: 14 HP
depth: 30 mm
power: 89 mA @ +12V / 56 mA @ -12V

Sunday, November 05, 2023

ST Modular - SERIAL, ISI WREN, & HAPHA Eurorack Modules

ST Modular - SERIAL (Shift Register Sequencer)

video upload by Stefan Tretau

"Sorry for the bad panning of the drums at the end of the video :-)"

00:00 Creating a Sequence incl. Gate Output
00:54 CV Amount
01:13 Other Gates to Trigger different Notes
01:49 Using CV to influence the Notes
02:10 CV Length and Change
03:15 ADD, DEL & Amount
03:47 Gate Outs to other Drums

ST Modular - ISI WREN (Repeatable Random Gate and CV Generator)

video upload by Stefan Tretau


ST Modular - HAPHA (Synchronizable Random Voltage)

video upload by Stefan Tretau

00:00 HAPHA CV controls Filter Cutoff
00:33 CV to Filter, GATE to Envelope
01:35 CV to OSC FM
01:52 Unsynchronized LFO to SER

Sunday, October 22, 2023

ST Modular - BUFF (Distortion/Sustainer)

video upload by Stefan Tretau

"Kick and hi-hat are from other modules."

00:00 Sound 1
01:31 Original vs. Buffed
02:14 Sound 2
02:58 Sound 3

Wednesday, September 06, 2023


video upload by Stefan Tretau

"SPM is a 3-Channel Mono Mixer with three volume potentiometers. The gain per channel can be adjusted with trimmers on the board, making this mixer suitable for line and Eurorack levels.

In addition, you can pan channel 1 and 2 with the SPREAD potentiometer and thus spread both channels in the stereo field to the left and right in opposite directions. In the centre position, all channels are panned to the centre. If you turn the potentiometer to the left, channel 1 is panned to the left and channel 2 to the right and vice versa.

This is very useful to quickly clean up a mix and widen the sound spectrum in the stereo field."

key features
Analog Mixer
3 Mono Channels
Pan CH 1&2 with one Knob
Skiff friendly
Wrong polarity protection ​

specs & downloads
width: 4 HP
depth: 30 mm
power: 19 mA @ +12V / 11 mA @ -12V

Friday, August 18, 2023

ST Modular - YACE (CV Decay)

video upload by Stefan Tretau

00:00 Decays
00:20 Response
00:40 Decay Level
01:03 Decay CV
01:24 Inverted Out to OSC Pitch
01:54 Cycle
02:23 Influence Input
02:59 Gate Mode

Wednesday, August 09, 2023

Just a Minute - Semi Modular #06

video upload by Stefan Tretau

00:00 Where does it come from?
01:41 What is it?
08:50 Where to go?

With the Sequential Prophet REV2.

Monday, July 31, 2023

ST Modular - CHIASSO V2

video upload by Stefan Tretau

"Added some external drums and effects for musical context.

00:00 Take 1
00:17 Take 2
01:02 Take 3
02:00 Take 4
03:05 Take 5
04:10 Take 6
05:25 Take 7
06:27 Take 8
07:40 Take 9
08:31 Take 10
09:18 Take 11"

Saturday, July 01, 2023

ST Modular - SUM MIX & PAN (Mix, Pan, Scan, VCA)

video upload by Stefan Tretau


00:00 All at once!
00:18 Channel per Channel VCA and PAN
02:05 SCAN & SPAN #1
02:54 SCAN & SPAN CV
03:29 VCA & SCAN
04:58 SCAN & SPAN #2"


18HP 4-Channel Mixer with VCA, CV PAN and CV SCAN

MIX & PAN completes the ST Modular SUM mixer series with a fully CV-controlled 4-channel mixer. It features

CV PAN, VCA per channel and a CV CHANNEL SCANNER. Each channel has a VOLUME SLIDER and a VOL CV input to control the internal VCA. The panning per channel can be adjusted with the PAN controls or the PAN CV inputs. LEDs indicate the channel volume and the state

of the panning.

All channels are summed and can be tapped at the main output jack. The SCAN and SPAN functions are really the most outstanding features of the module. They provide a unique

way to mix 1 to 4 channels using one or two CV signals applied to the SCAN and/or SPAN CV inputs. The scan functionality allows you to output a selection of channels by turning the SCAN knob or applying CV to the SCAN input. The range of channels that are activated is set manually or by CV using the SPAN knob. This not only narrows down the active channels from all to just one, but also reduces the effect the SCAN CV has

on the VCAs, as if you were shortening their decay time. When both SCAN and PAN are in the centre position and you turn SCAN, you activate one of the four channels at a time. If vou increase SPAN, more of the adiacent channels become audible until all channels have reached maximum volume (from mid to cw position). If vou decrease SPAN again, onlv one scanned channel will be

audible (mid position) and it will then start to fade out shorter (turning from mid to cc position). If a CV signal is present at the SCAN CV input and you turn SCAN to the left, the activated channels are narrowed to the left. Converselv, if vou turn the knob to the right, onlv channels 3 and 4 are activated, and in

the rightmost position, only channel 4. This module is great for creating ever-changing and organic soundscapes throughout the complete stereo

field, making your composition a very varied and a persistently interesting listening experience.

Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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