Showing posts with label XAOC Devices. Show all posts
Showing posts with label XAOC Devices. Show all posts

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Eurorack Modular - July 25 2024

video upload by John L Rice

"It’s been a month since I’ve posted any new modular synth experiments so here’s one to get me back in the saddle! 🤓

Synth Tech: E102 Quad Temporal Shifter and four E330 Multimode VCO
Modcan: Quad LFO
Happy Nerding: 3x MIA
ADDAC: VC Rotator
VPME: T43 Precision Adder
Instruo: Quad Performance Quantizer
Klavis: Quadigy EG
Xaoc Devices: Praga VCA/mixer
Strymon: Magneto delay/reverb
Erica Synths: Black VC Clock v2
2hp: Delay
Doepfer: A-182-1 Switched Multiple (modified)
Circuit Abbey: Unify mixer"

Monday, June 24, 2024

Hacking the XAOC Berlin VCO

video upload by ALEQ Modular

"The XAOC Berlin is a digital VCO compatible with the Leibnitz system of XAOC. This system allows to play with bits: Interesting !

Here, I'm using the Leibnitz connectors, and two multiple from Larix-Elektro to have access to the 8 bits that generate the SAW wave.
Just because it's very simple way to convert the Leibnitz connectors into jacks !

And after, I'm explaining how to produce new kind of waveforms.

This is not a safe way to use the module. But its a good way to understand it, and thinking about acquiring some Leibnitz compatible modules, to play with bits !

The Multiple from LE is not yet available, this is a prototype originally designed to add I/O to others modules like the 4TOMS.
Shold be available after this summer.
Thanks to the LE CV Generator, and the Attenuverter Bank, from LE too...

Try this carfully: I haven't checked how the circuit is built, if the I/O of the Leibnitz connector are protected. So maybe you can damage your module...
I strongly recommande to use modules from the Leibnitz system instead."

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Stereofication | feat. Makenoise 'Bruxa', QPAS SmilePass and XAOC Minsk

video upload by Cinematic Laboratory

"After the release of Bruxa two days ago, I noticed a lot of comments about it being a mono delay in a world that quickly goes stereo. So in this video, I'll use the concept of a mono delay and check out two options to stereofy it (besides running it through a stereo delay, granulator or reverb). QPAS smilepass is an 'allpass' filter which can produce 'false' stereo effects. XAOC Minsk really perfected this 'art' and can turn Strega/Bruxa into a wonderful stereo swirl with absolutely no effort. Higly recommended."

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Making Music With The Leibniz Subsystem

video upload by Xaoc Devices

"The Xaoc Devices Leibniz Subsystem is a gateway to all kinds of experiments in the Eurorack ecosystem, but it can also serve as a foundation for more traditional music compositions. See how you can achieve this with a few simple patches that you can incorporate into your own system."

Friday, June 07, 2024

The Road to Berlin | XAOC Leibniz Binary Subsystem | Episode 03

video upload by Cinematic Laboratory

"I got a bit stuck after doing the 2nd episode. Yeah, that episode sucked, but that also happens at the Lab. Dead ends are important if you want to learn to think more in u-turns. In this episode, we're back on track.

I knew the Leibniz Binary system would give me a hard time, but I underestimated that. I had a few weeks staring at my case wondering 'what's next?'. Sure, there's plenty to explore, but it's hard when you don't resonate well with the broken chiptune sounds - which are inevitable. Then, XAOC added 'Berlin' to the list of cities. It's labeled a 'numeric' VCO and it's designed especially for the Leibniz modules. It's basically a simple sawtooth with 1V/OCT, FM and Sync, but it's more like a quality D/A converter for generating waveforms. The Drezno II used to take care of that, but it would make jagged waveforms by summing lots of squares. It sounds very 8-bit. Berlin doesn't have that problem, it sounds great.

In this episode I am not doing a deepdive yet, because I just got the module. Instead I'll try to explain why it's relevant, and how a sawtooth gets all these odd/even harmonics and overtones. Why it's considered 'rich' compared to a sinewave. Then, it's easier to understand why Berlin only has a sawtooth (or scrambled saw) out. When you draw a graph of numbers 0 to 255, you'll get a nice ramp (reversed saw) that flips back to zero and counts up again. Berlin is basically counting up very fast and restarts at 0.

I'll leave the interaction between Berlin and other modules to episode 04, which will probably be posted next week. It's not going to take too long :)."

Tuesday, June 04, 2024

u-he CVilization Mode I: Musical demo (no talking)

video upload by u-he

"Here's a jam featuring our CVilization module in Mode I (4 x 4 Matrix Mixer). We're exploring the musical possibilities of the mysterious Matrix Rotation [posted here]. 4 different oscillator signals are routed through CVilization's matrix and distributed to various other modules. CVilization now rotates its inputs and outputs, creating ever-changing mixes of these oscillator signals. CVilization's sidekick Wiretap also joins the game with two of its outputs hooked up, creating some funky alternating envelopes.

modules in this patch:
u-he CVilization
u-he Wiretap
u-he Prototype Cascade Filter
ALM Pamela's Workout
Mutable Instruments Links
Mutable Instruments Plaids
Mutable Instruments Shades
Happy Nerding FX Aid
Happy Nerding MMM VCF
Intellijel µScale
Intellijel Dubmix
AJH Synths Next Phase
Dave Smith Instruments Curtis Filter
Xaoc Instruments Batumi
Xaoc Instruments Tallinn
Tiptop Audio Z8000
Instruo tòna
Make Noise Mimeophon

00:00 - Patch overview
02:44 - Jam"

Monday, May 20, 2024

Signal Sounds and friends at Superbooth 2024

video upload by Signal Sounds

"We caught up with a few pals old and new for a quick chat to find out what they were showing and what they liked best about Superbooth 2024. They include ALM Busy Circuits, DivKid, Instruo, Making Sound Machines, Expert Sleepers, Modbap Modular, Xaoc Devices, Worng Electronics, WMD, RYK Modular, Animal Factory Amps, Dannysound/Tobinski, Knobula, Toadstool Tech, Thonk... and watch out for a brief appearance from none other than Steve Davis!

Apologies to anyone we spoke to but didn’t include here (we had a few technical gremlins) and everyone else we missed! And big thanks to Herr Schneider and everyone else involved in organising the show - it was a belter.

Some of the featured products & brands:
ALM Busy Circuits MFX Pedal:
Apollo View & DivKid Manic:
Instruo Dail:
Xaoc Devices Berlin:
WORNG Electronics Sidecar:
RYK Modular Algo:

Making Sound Machines:
Expert Sleepers:
Modbap Modular:
Animal Factory Amps:

Music: Nano Kraft by Macleod Electronics / macleodelectronic
(Thanks Rob!)"

Sunday, May 19, 2024

XAOC Koszalin | Using the Frequency Shiftor on vocals

video upload by Cinematic Laboratory

"Sorry for the distracting dialog, which kind of illustrates that I don't like to speak on my videos.
But this time, I had to use a voice to demo frequency shifting on vocals. I couldn't avoid it.
I could have used a professional voice-over artists, but that would make my free videos unsustainable. Regardless, Koszalin is an awesome module that can completely transform any sound you throw at it."

Saturday, May 18, 2024

SUPERBOOTH 2024: Xaoc Devices - Berlin Wide Range Oscillator

video upload by sonicstate

"At Superbooth 2024 we met up with Lukasz from Xaoc Devices who unveiled their new* Berlin* module.* Berlin* is an extemely wide range VCO module ranging from 30 seconds up to 250 kHz. That range is wide! It uses the Leibniz Binary Subsystem interface and can be used as an extremely widerange clock source allowing for manual and voltage control over all parameters. Berlin outputs simultaneous square and saw/Leibniz wave outputs and when combined with the Liebniz Subsystem allows for extensive waveshaping.

Berlin Price: 220 Euros"

See the announcement post here.

Monday, May 13, 2024

Xaoc Devices Berlin

video upload by Xaoc Devices

Xaoc Devices Berlin: the oscillator that opens up the Leibniz Binary Subsystem

video upload by Tom Churchill

"On the surface, Xaoc Devices Berlin is a simple compact VCO offering square and saw waves with hard sync, FM input and octave switching. The most interesting part lies behind the panel and that is the Leibniz Binary Subsystem interface, namely LBZ out and LBZ in. The frontpanel LBZ LINK button and its corresponding gate input switch between the default saw wave and a signal that has been passed through any Leibniz module (or a combination of Leibniz modules) connected to Berlin. Add Xaoc Devices Jena for wave processing and the output is no longer a simple saw wave – you now have a vintage-style wavetable oscillator with a penchant for the experimental due to its open, hackable nature. Berlin operates in a way similar to the classic PPG Wave and Fairlight CMI synths and employs a variable sample rate of an extremely widerange internal clock. As the sample rate changes with the oscillator frequency, Berlin's internal square and saw waves exhibit no aliasing effect. The whole frequency range spans from 30 seconds in LFO mode up to 250 kHz (!) with the clock reaching an astounding 20 MHz. Add to that voltage control over all parameters and the result is a highly versatile module capable of creating a significantly diverse palette of unusual waveforms.

Xaoc Devices Berlin notable features:

– wide-range VCO with LFO mode (over 20 octaves of tracking);
– Leibniz Binary Subsystem interface;
– extremely widerange clock source;
– manual and voltage control over all parameters (including octave switching and LBZ LINK!);
– simultaneous Square and Saw/Leibniz wave outputs;
– extensive waveshaping potential when combined with Xaoc Devices Leibniz Subsystem modules, e.g., Jena or Rostock"

Sunday, March 03, 2024

XAOC Sopot | Magic Duct Tape for your audio puzzles (w. MakeNoise RxMx, Plaits & Frames)

video upload by Cinematic Laboratory

"I got Sopot a few weeks ago, but got focused on the Leibniz modules and forgot about it a bit. It almost never made it to a case because space is limited and I had to make choices. Yesterday I checked out the manual, tried some patches and a wealth of new ideas just popped up. This is a simple 6HP utility, costing around 90 euro, but it can solve a fortune of mixing challenges when a big fancy mixer is not an option.

In short, Sopot is a summing mixer with four stereo inputs (!) four mono inputs (!!) and mid/side outputs, or mono/stereo if you wish. The mono inputs are normalled to the center, but can be panned 50%/50% with a little center spread. This design is amazing. Highly recommended."

Friday, March 01, 2024

XAOC Leibniz Binary Subsystem

video upload by Cinematic Laboratory

"In episode 1 [posted here], it was fun to dive in. Then I found out that the system isn't just a matter of putting all modules in a case, wiring up the I/O on the back and get to work. It's modular (duh) so it's more a matter of recipes where the order of modules isn't fixed. Having all modules in a case doesn't exactly help to understand them either, there's just too many variables and it's extremely easy to make a wrong connection with the 'pale pink stripe' down or up on the LBZ ribbon cables. You really need to double check and then again. XAOC, make them red. Please.

In this episode I tried to get the Rostock module to work. It's a bucket brigade 'delay' with 64 memory locations. Or a shift register. Anyway, it allows you to accumulate values from the bus and store them so you can loop it. However, with a clock running at 2 mHz you don't hear 64 bytes when millions come by. If it's even audible it's in the nanosecond range. I had to slow down to actually see the module work.

XAOC has provided cool patch examples in the manual and I focused on delaying/looping rhythms with Rostock, Lipsk (bit inverter) and Poczdam (router/binary output). I am also using Odessa in the video, which is a truly amazing VCO which also has a Leibniz header on the back to control partials with bitmaps. I absolutely LOVE this system and can't wait to get started on episode 03."

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

XAOC Leibniz Binary Subsystem | Episode 01 | Intro & Drezno II

video upload by Cinematic Laboratory

"My first ignorant impression was 'it's a fancy bitcrusher' which may be 10% right. It's about musical applications with binary logic. Thanks to Bries and Tom Churchil for their masterclasses so I may be able to figure out the other 90%.

As always, I am not sponsored by XAOC. I wish, but it's too late now. I have Lipsk in backorder and that will probably conclude my case.

Dear XAOC if you feel thankful while this series progresses, I still have a short wishlist like Odessa, Batumi, Samara, Belgrad and a mixer. But I am already happy you made these modules!"

Monday, February 12, 2024

Short Flight Through Space

video upload by John L Rice

"I was initially going to add a couple extra keyboard parts to this and maybe even several percussion tracks but the more I listened to it the more I liked it as-is! ;-)

Modules Used:
2hp: Div
4ms: WAV Recorder, Row Power 40 x 2
Circuit Abbey: Unify, Unify Input Expander
Doepfer: A-182-1 (modified)
Erica Synths: VC Clock V2
Insrtruo: QPQ, kbd
Klavis: Quadigy
Modcan: Quad LFO
Mutable Instruments: Yarns
Strymon Engineering: Magneto
Synth Tech: E102, E330 x 4
Vermona: meloDICER, MEX3 T43
Xaoc Devices: Praga"

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Eurorack Phasers

volume 3 video upload by John Schussler

"I got a Pittsburgh Modular Toad not long ago, and realized I'd not compared the WMD Orion to anything either. Figured I'd put them both together, and throw in the G-Storm Polychrome to help join this video with earlier comparisons of eurorack phasers.

The Orion is now discontinued, and the Toad is a limited edition that will sell out. Only the Polychrome is in continued production. Not that there aren't other phasers, mind you, just saying if you like these....

VCO is a Befaco Pony. Little bit of reverb to make it not so harsh, but not too much. That's about it. Enjoy.

00:00 Intro
00:20 Drone
11:32 Sequence"

Eurorack Phasers - Take 2

video upload by John Schussler

"(This is a 'headphones required' video. You won't hear half of what's going on if you don't listen in headphones.)

This is my second attempt at a video on eurorack Phasers. The first (linked here but not otherwise listed in my channel: Eurorack Phasers) contained a number of mistakes. I'm keeping it around because I actually find those mistakes interesting, and want to be able to remind myself.

In particular, I didn't understand a couple things:

1) The SynthTech E560 input isn't set up for Eurorack levels, it's set up for line levels. If you don't attenuate the input, it distorts rather badly.
2) You have to use BOTH outputs of any module (that has them) if you want to hear stereo phasing. It's the contrast between the source audio and the phased audio that makes the effect, and you need two outputs to make that happen.

So. Once again into the breach, I attempt to compare some eurorack phasers. I think somewhat more successfully this time.

00:00 Intro
00:20 Next Phase
08:19 E560
17:15 Kamieniec"

Previously posted: Eurorack phasers - two new additions

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Self Playing Eurorack Pipe Organ Patch

video upload by John L Rice

"A relatively simple and mostly self playing eurorack patch that sounds somewhat like a church pipe organ performance? A single Synth Tech Circuit Bent VCO "played" by the Vermona meloDICER pattern generator sequencer with the Strymon Megneto delay in the Pitch Shift setting giving it size and magic as I manually adjust the Wet and Repeats knobs. Additional modules used: Erica Synths Octasource LFO, Happy Nerding MMM VCF, Klavis Quadigy EG, Xaoc Devices Praga VCA/mixer, Circuit Abbey Unify mixer, ADDAC ADDAC812A meter.

#modularsynth #eurorack #pipeorganmusic"

Thursday, January 11, 2024

ER-301 Mannequins Black Ambient System

Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.

via this auction

"Massive Ambient Modular System


Orthagonal Devices ER-301

Xaoc Devices Zadar

Mannequins Mangrove

Mannequins Three Sisters

Mutable Instruments Beads

Michigan Synth Works F8R (Custom Black)

Intellijel Dual VCA 1U

Intellijel Quadratt 1U

Instruo Ochd

Intellijel Ins 1U

Intellijel uMidi 1U

Intellijel Dual Stereo Outs 1U

Intellijel Pallette 104

original silver panels will be included with modules as well as most of the original boxes."

Saturday, December 23, 2023

Xaoc Devices LEIBNIZ #6 / ROSTOCK / delay and loop 8 bits of information / extensive playthrough

video upload by BRiES

"'ROSTOCK by Xaoc Devices should not be taken lightly' is what I figured out while making this video. ROSTOCK can be easily mistaken for just being a delay, but the patch ideas (provided in the manual of ROSTOCK) prove that with some creative insight you can use ROSTOCK for much more somewhat unexpected and useful things.

This video is a slow burn. I start of by proving that high-fidelity audio rate delay is probably not the strongpoint of ROSTOCK, but just like me there will probably be a lot of people hoping that they can still get away with using it as such. That's why I spend a generous amount of time showcasing this feature of the module. I demonstrate and explain how the clock works on ROSTOCK and how to use the seperate clock inputs, as well as exploring the loop and scramble features of the module. Afterwards I go into detail about the patches provided in the manual of ROSTOCK and you'll soon see that this is where ROSTOCK really shines: auto-generative waveforms, patching up a trigger/gate sequencer or 1-bit multi-tap delay, creating chaos and looping melodies, ... ."

0:00 intro
0:24 a few sounds
1:24 introduction to ROSTOCK
6:03 thank you Xaoc Devices
7:10 summary of the video
8:22 explaining audio delay (intro patch)
15:55 modulating length CV
19:27 modulating the clock
22:50 no clue about Leibniz?
25:30 clocks
27:40 conveyer belt analogy
31:08 loop and scramble
48:18 P.I.1 audio delay and feedback
1:00:49 P.I.2 JENA chaos loop
1:11:37 P.I.3 LIPSK gate sequencer
1:22:34 P.I.4. POCZDAM multi-tap
1:28:10 P.I.5 Turing Machine bonus
1:44:04 thank you for watching!

Tuesday, December 05, 2023

DISTINCT / Xaoc Devices JENA wavetable / eery soundscape / not a tutorial

video upload by BRiES

"Playing around with bank 7 on JENA. The output of DREZNO is going through FILTER 8 (PS output) to be able to add some fm to the timbre. I really enjoyed making this edit."

Thursday, November 30, 2023

Xaoc Devices ROSTOCK / trying out a phaser and chorus patch / DREZNO / POCZDAM

video upload by BRiES

"I'm just trying out things with ROSTOCK to get a feel for it. This is a patch where I used it to create a phase-shifting or pitch modulation effect (depending on the speed of the modulation). By mixing in the original sound you can get phase cancellation in mono (comb-filtering?) or chorus in stereo."

Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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