MATRIXSYNTH: AIRA Start - VT-3 (a short tutorial)

Thursday, November 13, 2014

AIRA Start - VT-3 (a short tutorial)

Published on Nov 13, 2014 RolandChannel

Roland Airas on eBay

"AIRA gear is intuitive and easy to learn. It's part of what makes it so musically inspiring. But it also has a deep bag of tricks, and these can take time to discover and master. Whether you're curious about what AIRA can do, or just wondering where to begin, these videos provide a strong base for further exploration.

This video is a short tutorial on the VT-3 Voice Transformer. The simple yet oh-so-powerful VT-3 instantly transforms your voice with classic vocoder, lo-fi effects, and synths you can sing."

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