MATRIXSYNTH: Korg Delta DL50 Analogue Synthesiser SN 287621

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Korg Delta DL50 Analogue Synthesiser SN 287621

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via this auction

"This is a really nice Delta. In time warp condition, almost unmarked, super clean and with original case, dust cover and user manual (Japanese). It looks as if this synth was used a few times when new then tucked away safley in a cupboard until I bought it about a year ago. The only work I have done on it since buying is to replace the transconductance amplifiers and associated filter capacitors. This was pre-emptive maintenance since the old amps (LM13600’s) were always the Achilles heel of this model and often failed with loss of the synth section output. These amps have been replaced with the far more reliable, but otherwise identical sounding LM13700N’s.

Visual condition is superb with only one scratch of any significance on the back surface where the power plug has caught the paintwork. There is a tiny crack in the back corner of one of the end caps. Otherwise it really is nearly as new. back."

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