MATRIXSYNTH: Darwin Grosse Interviews AudioCubes Inventor

Sunday, February 08, 2015

Darwin Grosse Interviews AudioCubes Inventor

via the Percussa newsletter

"Hi everyone, this is Celine from Percussa. I'm the other half of the Percussa AudioCubes Team :-)

I'm very happy to annouce that Darwin Grosse interviewed Bert Schiettecatte last week about the upcoming MIDIBridge 3 release for AudioCubes!

As you know Bert is the inventor and designer of AudioCubes and the main person working on the AudioCubes software and hardware and has been working very hard on this release, which introduces the exciting Topology mode.

In this interview, Bert talks about how he got involved in music technology, his background, what it takes to build music technology products and how he started Percussa and developed AudioCubes.

Listen to the interview (podcast) here.

He also goes over how the AudioCubes technology works and what is inside each of the AudioCubes and some of the challenges he had to tackle in developing AudioCubes.

Bert has been at it almost a decade, listening carefully to what AudioCubes users need and want. Here is what Darwin says about the interview:

"Bert's story is a somewhat common one - a guy with a vision of a product that works hard to make it happen. But when you start talking about all the different things that he had to learn - and master - for this implementation to succeed, it seems like an impossible task. So how does one person make the impossible happen? That's what we talk about. I hope you enjoy this one - it is very revealing, but also points to one of the most innovative products out there."

About Darwin Grosse

Darwin Grosse is the Chief Learning Officer at Cycling '74, which makes the audiovisual programming language Max/MSP. Darwin is also an adjunct faculty member at University of Denver, Colorado, and is a well known magazine writer, recording and mastering engineer and modular synth enthousiast. Previously, Darwin was also the Director of Engineering at Cycling '74 for almost a decade and has taught numerous Max/MSP workshops. Learn more about Darwin's work at and and listen to more of his podcasts at"

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