MATRIXSYNTH: Tubbutec Juno-66 demo & introduction - mod,upgrade,midi for Roland Juno-6, Juno-60

Monday, May 18, 2015

Tubbutec Juno-66 demo & introduction - mod,upgrade,midi for Roland Juno-6, Juno-60

Published on May 18, 2015 tubbutec

"The Juno-66 is an upgrade for Roland Juno-6 and Juno-60 synthesizers. It turns your Juno into a powerful Juno-66 synthesizer with midi and a lot of additional features.

• Midi in- and output. Can output key presses, arpeggiator, Powerarp and chord memory.
• Additional play modes: Polyphonic, Duophonic, Two Monophonic modes, Chord Memory and Polychord. The Mono- and Duophonic modes feature adjustable fatness
• Portamento for all play modes with adjustable speed and behaviour
• Powerarp: A powerful sequencer that includes breaks and note lengths and can be triggered by the arp clock, trigger, midi clock or midi trigger. Features various direction, transpose and random modes.
• Two additional filter LFOs: A triangular LFO with a frequency of up to 8kHz and a S/H style LFO with various clock sources.
• Detuning. Turns your Juno into an organic analogue synth.
• Alternative tunings: Select from a range of non-equal tempered tunings.
• Midi filter, pitch bend, arp and portamento control.
• Settings via an internal configuration menu or external midi controller.
• Extra features accessible using the existing Juno controls
• Comes with sticker overlays and all necessary parts"


"Some features in more detail

The Juno-66 adds additional play modes to the existing 6-voice polyphonic mode.
The Duophonic mode layers 3 oscillators for each voice and slightly detunes them. The result is a fatter sound, often called supersaw or supersquare. The amount of fatness can be adjusted.
The two Monophonic modes layer all six oscillators to create an even thicker sound. The fatness is adjustable. You can also select between two envelope retrigger behaviours.
Chord Memory lets you define a chord of your choice with up to six notes. You can then play and transpose it using the keyboard.
Polychord lets you assign an individual chord to each key of the keyboard. You can play the chords using the keyboard.

The Powerarp is a built in sequencer. A new sequence can be quickly entered and can also include breaks and different note lengths. The sequencer can then be triggered by various clock sources. The sequence can be transposed using the keyboard and shifted forth and back in time.
Forward, backward, forward-backward and three different random modes can be selected and the sequence automatically transposed over two octaves.
An external trigger, the internal arp clock, midi note trigger and midi clock are possible trigger sources. A divider for the midi clock can be set and adjusted in real time without losing sync.

A polyphonic portamento that works in all play modes including chord memory and Polychord!
You can adjust the speed and two preset speeds are directly accessible via a switch on the synth.
The portamento is linear on a musical scale and you can select between constant time or constant speed behaviour.
A special algorithm makes sure that even in Polychord mode the portamento sounds natural."

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