MATRIXSYNTH: Control NY CON-MYTHOLOGY Exhibition to Honor Conrad Schnitzler

Friday, July 31, 2015

Control NY CON-MYTHOLOGY Exhibition to Honor Conrad Schnitzler

"From 1 August - 31 August Control will be presenting Con-Mythology in a special exhibition to honor the life and work of Conrad Schnitzler. The show will illuminate the unique relationship that Conrad Schnitzler had with the physical world, from which he decisively broke in the late 60s. In a stroke of liberation, Schnitzler halted his sculpture practice (studied under Joseph Beuys), and dragged his oblong, metal forms one by one to a field in Berlin, abandoning them there. The fate of the sculpture works, poignant pop-industrial beacons of black & white painted metal rods and planes, is unknown. They were free to be picked over by passersby, or to sink into the earth, detritus of a prolific artist's creative process. Schnitzler dedicated himself entirely to the exploration of sound from that point on, yet curiously Conrad Schnitzler’s physical presence remained an almost sculptural manifestation. This photographic exhibit will display the only known images of Conr ad Schnitzler's now lost sculptures amid images and footage of the artist himself, to reveal Conrad's intricate tension between the folds of visuality and aurality.

Opening party: 1 August, 4 - 8pm"

416 Lorimer St. #1R
Brooklyn, NY 11237

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