MATRIXSYNTH: Futuresonus Parva - Hardware and Menu Overview (no sounds)

Thursday, February 04, 2016

Futuresonus Parva - Hardware and Menu Overview (no sounds)

Published on Feb 4, 2016 djthomaswhite

"A quick look at the Futuresonus Parva Synthesizer build quality and hardware, and a look at the editing menu navigation. Sound demos are currently on my Soundcloud (djthomaswhite). Video demos of sound and editing are coming next."

"First day demo of my Futuresonus Parva Synthesizer. This is really just a recording of my meeting around with the sounds I created on the fly. You will hear reverb and chorus from an Eventide H9 at times but most of what you hear is dry. The first patch is entirely Parva for example. I see great potential in this synthesizer and am glad I supported the project on Kickstarter. Units should be available for sale on soon! BTW, the final patch is intended to sound like a horror movie soundtrack. It has no oscillators involved other than the filter self oscillating and me turning the knobs for frequency and resonance to change the sound. Really creepy!"

"Here is my second noodle around with the Futuresonus Parva synthesizer. There are no external effects in this demo. Everything you here is 100% Parva. I am particularly excited with the Detroit String stabs which are the result of 3 oscillators, 4 LFO's, panning and LFO cross-modulation. There are also some good examples of bass (which is very good) and some softer and rougher tones. Again, not trying to win a music award, but more showcasing the sounds this instrument can produce. I hope you enjoy! Notes - This is without the updated OS addressing several issues. The high pitched whine you here is due to me running the oscillators at 25 out of 127 gain and having to jack up the main out. Brad at Futuresonus is fixing this by lowering the overall internal gain of the oscillators which will allow them to be turned up without causing crunchiness in the filter and amplifier sections. Also, the filter tuning is not fixed in this OS I am using but you can hear I am still getting some great sounds. Some of the patches feature the mod matrix this time around where you have 16 slots to assign modulation to the wheel, velocity, etc. I only assigned features to the mod wheel but it is quite powerful and I will explore it more in future demos. Check out for more info on the Parva."

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