MATRIXSYNTH: Let's Play with Audulus 3 (Patch Design & Commentary)

Friday, February 12, 2016

Let's Play with Audulus 3 (Patch Design & Commentary)

Published on Feb 12, 2016 Tim Webb

"Audulus 3 is a monstrous modular synth, but it can also be a lot of fun! In this video I attempt to show you how to make a complex patch using simple building blocks. It's February Album Writing Month, so I'm making a patch that will write a whole album for me. If you enjoyed this please consider supporting this series by sponsoring them on Patreon:

Be sure to visit for the latest music app news!"

iTunes: Audulus 3 - Audulus LLC

Let's Play with Audulus 3 - Part 2

Published on Feb 19, 2016 Tim Webb

"This is a continuation of the patch made in my last video [above].  I continue to develop this ambient patch with the addition of some strings using a Karplus-Strong style of synthesis. If you enjoyed this please consider supporting this series by sponsoring them on Patreon:"

Let's Play with Audulus 3 - Part 3

Published on Feb 26, 2016 Tim Webb

Audulus for iOS | Audulus for Mac

"In this final episode of Audulus 3 we build a bell sound using FM and Additive synthesis, with a probability-based trigger and tame math to give us note pitches.

If you enjoyed this please consider supporting this series by sponsoring them on Patreon:

Be sure to visit for the latest music app news!";postID=8096425573810774368

Published on Mar 1, 2016 Tim Webb

"This is the culmination of the massive Audulus 3 patch I've been working on in February!

Inspiration for the album:
Music has always had a tradition of blending storytelling with applied philosophy. Or at least, at its greatest, it aspires to do so. We can never hear the first songs of mankind, but we can guess what they were about. The earliest stories undoubtedly revolved around the struggle of man against nature. Then Gods against man. As we cast about today we find a narrative in which Gods and Man are mutually forsaken, and Nature is I'm totally fucking with you. This is ambient. I just tried to make some pretty bleeps and bloops.

If you missed it, you can watch the whole Let's Play with Audulus 3 series here:
Be sure to visit for the latest music app news!"

Audulus for iOS | Audulus for Mac

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