MATRIXSYNTH: STG Soundlabs / Archangel modular jam

Tuesday, April 05, 2016

STG Soundlabs / Archangel modular jam

"Just a simple one-track live jam. A decent amount of sound considering it's a single mono track with only two oscillators.

Patch info: FutureRetro XS VCOs 1 & 2 into STG mixer; VCO1 also sent to STG Pulse Matrix which is producing an additional PWM waveform and sub-octave into the mixer. Remaining mixer channel is a feedback loop from the FR XS (creates resonant stabs when turned up). The mixer output goes through an STG Post-Lawsuit Lowpass filter, and then back into the FR XS external input, where the mixed signal is acted on by the XS filter (resonant highpass) / VCA / envelopes.
The Post-Lawsuit filter is being modulated by one row of the Archangel sequencer/touch keyboard, and by the XS filter envelope... another row of the Archangel sequencer is creating the melody on XS VCO2, while the touch keyboard is transposing everything between two keys (which I am playing live and intermittently forget to change keys). Gate pattern is provided by STG Soundlabs Trigger Sequencer. Delay & verb are plug-ins; Bitwig native delay and TSAR-1 reverb.
Drum loop is Roland TR-8, which I was ignoring in the background... it's recorded separately so the take isn't ruined. ;)"

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