via this auction
You can find a demo of it at the listing and previously posted here.


Sawtooth, triangle, and PWM waveforms
Variable-width saw waves
Tunable +/- 5 octaves
Hard Syncable
Independent level controls
4 4-stage (ADSR) envelopes per voice
Exponential curves for punchy attack and natural decay
Linear mode also available
Loopable evenelopes
Routable to >40 destinations
4 LFOs per voice
Sine, sawtooth, triangle, and square waveforms
Random sample-and-hold
Stepped LFOs
Free-running or key-synced
Routable to >40 destinations
Polyphonic Aftertouch
2 configurable voltage-controlled filters per voice
24db or 12db low-pass or high-pass modes
12db bandpass mode
Filter FM
Inputs / Outputs
Individual 1/4" stereo line-level outputs for each voice
1/4" left and right main outputs
Stereo 1/4" headphone jack
MIDI input and ouput
USB port for MIDI input and output
USB Host port for direct connection of USB MIDI controllers
LIKE NEW with the latest Operating System versions installed, many custom created patches and a unique look without the waiting list to get one new from Futuresonus. This is serial #006 if that makes any difference to you and it is a lovely polyphonic synth. Multimode makes it able to produce 8-separate analog tones at the same time, and unison is seriously for the brave as the thickness of the sound is amazing. Want a unique and continually being expanded and developed synthesizer? This may be for you. The community of users is great too!
This unit comes with all of the original packaging, USB cable, the power supply and the silver knobs I took off in case you want to make it look like the typical Parva panel."
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