MATRIXSYNTH: Adrenochrome - Heatseekerrr | OP-1 & Axoloti Core

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Adrenochrome - Heatseekerrr | OP-1 & Axoloti Core

Published on Nov 22, 2016 Heatseekerrr

"Created with an OP-1 and Axoloti Core.

The sound is generated from the OP-1 and the Axoloti is utilized as a stereo LP/HP filter with multi-effects - grainer, bode pitch shifter, bitcrusher, and reverb - all MIDI controlled by the Nanokontrol.

The grainer demands elaboration. There are two parameters being controlled, grain size and grain rate. These are precisely dialed in to produce a trippy octave delay. The buttons I'm hitting are mapped to freeze and reverse. Freeze loops the currently playing grain and reverse plays it backwards (there is also a slope setting which results in the tape speed effect).

I designed the patch but all of the modules were coded by a few different power users and the dev of the Axoloti. Much credit goes to those talented folks!

You can view a screenshot of the Axoloti patch here:"

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