MATRIXSYNTH: Live from the Redwoods! Euclidean Teletype Workout with O-Coast and Moog Mother-32

Friday, December 30, 2016

Live from the Redwoods! Euclidean Teletype Workout with O-Coast and Moog Mother-32

Published on Dec 30, 2016 Dudadius

"Exploring the Euclidean Rhythm command on Monome Teletype.

This is my holiday travel rig, with Moog Mother-32 and Makenoise O-Coast. Synth Tech E330 Multimode VCO and Dsting round out this focused little system.

O-Coast is playing the initial pattern, driven by euclidean rhythm 1. There is a second euclidean rhythm hitting the trigger in on the slope generator, creating a poly-rhythm of sorts in that one voice.

The notes are defined in tracker 1, but tracker 2 contains some additional notes that are inserted into the pattern at pseudo-random intervals. Sounds like it’s happening at a set rhythm though…hmmm.

The second voice to come in is the same melodic pattern, but offset by a few steps. The is playing the Synthtech VCO that is routed through the Moog. The Moog VCA is hit by yet another Euclidean Rhythm, then it goes back into the O-Coast and is modulated by that original rhythm as well…so another interlocking rhythm. Dsting is in clocakble delay mode on that voice.

Lastly, the Moog comes in on a slower moving bass voice..playing the same notes at a slower rate.

Once the bass comes up, I shift the O-Coast melody up a couple of octaves."

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