Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Moog MicroMoog

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via this auction

"For sale is a beautifully restored 1975 Moog Micromoog Analog Synthesizer.
This is a beautiful synthesizer, that has been completely restored to it's 1975 beauty.
It comes with a hardcase and an s-trigger to 1/4" cable.

This is a small list of the work done:
A minor, poorly done "mod" was removed as it served no value.
A selector switch was repaired.
All switches and pots were cleaned.
All knobs and switches were meticulously cleaned, and restored to their original luster with a jelly bath.
The inside was completely cleaned, as was the outside.
The key-bed was completely disassembled, cleaned, and re-assembled, with brand new bushings, so that it now plays like new.
The unit was re-calibrated to factory specs.
For details and pics, see:

The unit is now mint 1975, and comes with a hard case and a s-trigger to 1/4" adapter. This is a beautiful unit that plays and sounds wonderful, and has some really cool features missing from modern synths. Additionally, as this is a vintage thru-hole synth, it can be repaired again and again, unlike modern SMD synths where the only replacement parts are "new circuit boards.""

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