MATRIXSYNTH: Soundlab 5-31-17

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Soundlab 5-31-17

Published on May 31, 2017 Stexe

"Instruments: Moog-32(2X), electronic bagpipes"

The electronic bagpipes appear to be the original style from Ross Technologies.

"The Ross Technologies Original Style Electronic Bagpipes were the first Electronic Bagpipes to feature all-digital circuitry and the ability to play in different keys.

These pipes have a toggle style power switch and a rotary volume control, with built-in speaker.

A standard 3.5mm stereo jack is also fitted to enable the use of headphones for private listening.

These pipes are powered by one 9 Volt battery."

Below is a demo video from Missippi Mike.

Uploaded on Jul 23, 2011 Mississippi Mike

"The video is a review for the product I have bought, the Ross Electronic Bagpipe, by William Ross, of Ross Technologies. William Ross is a great guy and he designed and built the instrument himself. Ross, you got my endorsement. I'm extremely happy with the product, it's simply amazing. The shipping was faster than greased-up lightening, the price was more than affordable and seller communication was outstanding, friendly and professional. Again, I couldn't be happier to share my experience and recommend the product, which can be found right here:

If you're looking for electronic bagpipes, I wouldn't hesitate at all buying this model. And the song, well, you can hear and make your own conclusions, I think it sounds awesome and it actually surprised me and blew me away of how good it is, exceeding all my expectations. Ross Technologies have a fine product for an EXCELLENT PRICE!!! Before anybody asks me I don't get commission, I don't have anything to do with the company, neither any of my views represent that of the company, I'm just an extremely happy customer that felt the need to share the experience with other potential buyers. I hope I did the product some good justice, despite my crappy beginner playing, them good Ross folk take a lot of pride in making those wonderful instruments and they rightfully deserve a good review.

The tune is Scots Wha Ha'e e Wi' Wallace Bled (Scots) or Scots Who Have With Wallace Bled (English), commonly known as Scots Wha Hae.The song was played for Robert the Bruce's troops on their march to Bannockburn, where brave Scots whooped the hell out of invading English troops, securing Scottish Independence then. Robert Burns composed the lyrics and they are said to be Bruce's address to his men before the battle. A beautiful, patriotic and outstanding melody.

It's been about a year since I have made this video (this paragraph is being written in July 2012) and I thought it would be nice to let people that come here know that I'm still at it, this long journey of learning the Highland pipes. I still have my Ross electronic chanter, and use it regularly - usually when I don't have the chance to play the practice chanter, or to memorize notes. I receive tuition here and there, for free by the best piper in town, who happens to be a nice guy as well, and I have played my full set of bagpipes successfully - when he tuned them. I can't tune them for nothing by myself, hardest thing I ever heard! But someday I will learn the sweet spots, or die trying. I have read plenty on the art of tuning, and will just have to train my ears slowly to the sound of the drones, and it will come with time. I am on my fifth tune on the College of Piping tutor and my next movement to learn is the revered birl. Hopefully, I will get it done properly. I am as passionate of the bagpipes as I am of my banjo these days, and recently, I have been playing my chanter, and many times the goose (my drones or drone stocks corked, with the practice chanter on with a PC adapter), to get used to the breathing / squeezing. I have much fun with it and love learning. Someday, when I am good enough, I will upload a video of me playing the full pipes, but for now, getting good and learn how to tune them are my priorities! That's it for my little update. Oh, and since I got tuition after this video, I learned how to correctly do my throw on D, which was done incorrectly in the video there. That's why tuition is so important! Alright, y'all take care, thanks for stopping by.

Video proudly made in Scotland, July 23, 2011.

Tapadh leibh! Mar sin leat an-drĂ sta."

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