MATRIXSYNTH: mxctr - Oberheim Matrix-1000/6R Controller Firmware Update

Sunday, August 13, 2017

mxctr - Oberheim Matrix-1000/6R Controller Firmware Update

Published on Aug 13, 2017

"In the video, the Roland TR8 rim shot midi note triggers the arp and seq."

"Firmware update 1.00

Alpes Machines is back from holidays.

It was the occasion to enhance firmware drastically : the library used to save the 1000 patches into eeprom 24LC512 has been optimized to get the lowest possible latency. Now the Ctrlr can directly receive patches from Oberheim Matrix synths, without the use of a first party software ! Bye bye computer 😉

The architecture has been rewrote to correctly control 4 synths at the same time, and switching on the fly between the 4 different synths. It was a big challenge as the free RAM is very low !

Regarding the Arpeggiator : it can now be sync to internal tempo generator or external midi clock (as before), but now you can also control it with a typical sync24 signal or a trigger signal like the drum machines from the 80s. Moreover, inspired by the trigger technique, you can control the arp and seq with a midi note trigger. In the video below, the Roland TR8 rim shot midi note triggers the arp and seq."

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