MATRIXSYNTH: Vintage Maas Rowe Krueger String Bass Pedals Synth 1970s / 80s

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Vintage Maas Rowe Krueger String Bass Pedals Synth 1970s / 80s

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Here's something you've likely never seen before. I believe this is the first post on the site to feature one. You can find a hand full of other Maas Rowe posts here.

via this auction

"This is a Maas Rowe Model 813 Krueger String Bass Pedal system from the late 1970s / early 1980s. These were originally marketed as an accessory for piano for additional basslines, but as it goes with these sorts of things, guitarists, bassists, and synth enthusiasts adopted them into their setups, too. This is the early version with 13 wooden pedals that connect with a d-sub connector.

Its register is not as subby as, say, Moog Taurus pedals, but more like an octave up, perhaps in the C2-B2 range. Using the Tone control, you can keep it sine-wavy, then gradually add harmonics to create a lush, classic synth Voyager sound.

These pedals are super cool and sound awesome. They're in great cosmetic and functional condition."

1 comment:

  1. I have a set of these. Great bass note system, great bass sounds. In fact I have three of them believe it or not.


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