MATRIXSYNTH: System80 850, a Multi-function Modulation Source Eurorack Module

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

System80 850, a Multi-function Modulation Source Eurorack Module

Published on Jan 23, 2018 System80

"Overview of the System80 850 Eurorack utility module with a little preview of our upcoming drum machine."

The 850 was first posted here. The following are some details from System80.

"The 850 is a fully analog utility module that combines a voltage controlled LFO, Sample & Hold, Noise source, and a Slew Limiter. The S&H section is normalized to Pink Noise (random) or any of the outputs of the LFO without patching. The output of the S&H circuit is normalized to the Slew Limiter input, allowing slew to be added to the S&H signal. The internal clock driving the S&H doubles as an auxiliary triangle shape LFO. The main voltage controlled LFO features an adjustable delay circuit triggered by an external rising pulse, allowing a gradual increase in LFO amplitude after a reset pulse.


Voltage controlled LFO with selectable sine, triangle, ramp and square output
LFO gate/reset input and adjustable rise time after reset
S&H with internal clock, external clock, and external sample input
Auxiliary triangle LFO output from S&H clock
White and Pink noise sources
Slew Limiter with input normalization to S&H output or S&H clock pulse
Open Source

850 is open source hardware. The design files are available on Github"

1 comment:

  1. That filter sounds awesome with your LFO. Great work.


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