MATRIXSYNTH: Monome Synth Module - Aleph Sound Computer Synthesizer

Tuesday, July 03, 2018

Monome Synth Module - Aleph Sound Computer Synthesizer

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via this auction

"designed and engineered by ezra buchla [Don Buchla's son] and brian crabtree::

%100 percent functional and looking great!
w/ 4Gb SD card,
loaded firmware,
original instructions,
and mysterious still photography
that came with the unit.


Description from :
URL ::

aleph is an adaptable soundcomputer where synthesis, drum machines, samplers, loopers, and various other possibilities can be implemented with creative mapping and numerous external control methods-- attach via USB (grid controllers, knob boxes, MIDI keyboards, gamepads), CV (control voltage for modular synths, foot switches, etc) and computers.

simply put, aleph is a small audio input/output device with a screen, bank of buttons, and series of encoders/knobs. it has the ability to host and run a variety of programs created by both monome and the user based community surrounding. new applications will be developed, documented and shared over time. elaborate mappings can be created without writing code by way of an easy menu driven environment and a thorough preset system.

powerful audio processor, synthesizer, noise machine, rapidly modifiable instrument. a platform for experimental practice and organic discovery.

connect grid controllers, modular synths, midi keys, stomp boxes, gamepads, hand-made circuits. for more direct control and uncommon pairings.


dynamically arrange control mappings with unprecedented flexibility. create software control sources such as modulators, logical operators, aleatoric processes, sequencers. all quickly storable and recallable.

>>>physical construction?
· very sturdy: laser cut and cnc welded sheet steel, cnc milled 6061 aluminum with a custom mixed matte off-white powder coating
· custom tooled hard silicone key caps and knobs
· lead-free circuitry
· 2 lbs. 4 oz.
· 7" x 4.5" x 1.7"
power supply?

· 9V 2A (18W)
· 2.1mm center positive
more detailed specs?

aleph contains separate DSP and control processors:

· 32bit BF533 blackfin running at 533mhz
· 32bit avr32 running at 66mhz
audio codec:
· 4 channels in, 4 channels out
· up to 192k 24 bit"

1 comment:

  1. ummm... That is my kitchen... be careful with this auction.


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