MATRIXSYNTH: SoundCheck: AXE + Wolf

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

SoundCheck: AXE + Wolf

Published on Aug 14, 2018 Stoss

"Using a Synthstrom Audible Deluge to sequence an Akai Timbre Wolf. Messing with effects settings in my AXE (custom Axoloti FX unit controlled by a MIDI Fighter Twister). The FX unit is a combination of delay, envelope following mangler and bit crusher all synced to MIDI clock. It’s a long video in which I experiment with different FX settings applied to synth chords."

1 comment:

  1. Hi,
    I have the same devices here (axo and a MF twister) and I can't get the two to communicate. (they did in the past, but I changed some settings and now I'm left clueless) Can you give a hint as to how you configure these so they work together? much obliged, greetings from Ghent, Belgium.


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