MATRIXSYNTH: Dannysound EN129 Thru Zero Oscillator (a world of analog tones!)

Friday, September 07, 2018

Dannysound EN129 Thru Zero Oscillator (a world of analog tones!)

Published on Sep 7, 2018 DivKidVideo

"** TIMING INDEX / SECTIONS BELOW ** Here's the new analogue (or analog if not British) thru zero FM oscillator the 'EN129' from Dannysound. The module offers great, analogue, through zero frequency modulation with is musical and responsive offering for dynamic modulation without the wide ranging pitch drift in exp/log response analogue FM circuits. There is an additional LOG FM input and attenuator so you can exploit two flavours of FM and their responses. There's coarse and fine tune, LFO button to drop the range, sine, triangle, pulse, square and saw outputs. The pulse has PWM control and inputs and the saw has some rather unique onboard shaping too.


00:00 Welcome, hello, patch previews

01:15 Feature run down and walkthrough

02:36 The sound, the thru zero FM (an exploration of...) and the other waveforms and controls. There's a comparison of thru zero and log/exp FM, PWM, static and dynamic (modulated by an external VCA) frequency modulation and more.

06:52 The square and pulse waves ... the square sounds great (a little filter/delay sequenced patch). I then explore standard LFO modulation of PWM but also audio rate pulse modulation for a wide range of static and dynamic PWM overtones that gives us all sorts of phase distortion synth type tones imparting new and unique overtones compared to the standard analogue waves you'll be used to.

10:05 FM Interjection 1 ... a little thru zero sine on sine / sine on triangle FM interjection with no talking. A lovely little ear break :)

10:32 The saw wave output ... looking at wave shaping the saw with octave up like FX, tremolo style amplitude changes, adding voltages to add a square edge and set of harmonics to the saw and audio rate overtones for even further unique and new tones from otherwise simple waves.

14:08 A stereo generative patch making use of the pulse output and saw outputs with some FX and a pair of LPGs.

16:21 FM Interjection 2 ... thru zero sine on sine dynamic (envelope / VCA controlled modulation) FM for some quirky and classic FM tones.

16:34 Using the EN129 as an LFO. This offers some unique wave shape control using thru zero FM to control the LFO shape at various sub audio and audio rates. We create a new "diamond waveform" in this section too.

20:27 FM Interjection 3 ... tuneful yet warbly thru zero FM sequences with a little wonkiness as a palette cleanser before the final section on the video.

20:48 Creating a kick drum / percussion sound with the EN129 and using the thru zero FM to add noise based snare like overtones or FM like tones for added impact and creative tone control when synthesising your own drum sounds."

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