MATRIXSYNTH: ::vtol:: magnetophone

Monday, January 07, 2019

::vtol:: magnetophone

::vtol:: magnetophone from ::vtol:: on Vimeo.

Interactive sound object/instrument.

"It sometimes happens that first the piece is born, and only after this you suddenly realize what it is about and how it should be used. Last summer (2018) I very quickly produced an interactive algorithmic object for a small exhibition. This object was producing endless aleatoric compositions using rotating magnets and magnetic field sensor (it was not the first time that I was using this scheme). The title appeared by itself: Magnetophon. The obvious simplicity of the object made me plan some remakes to follow. And then, at some point I got an old classic Soviet pocket radio receiver Neiva RP-205 - this model was so popular that it is still in production, almost without changes (it is being made by ’Production Association “October” - Kamensk-Uralsky’). Suddendly everything came together - the memories of waiting for the favourite song in order to record it on the audio cassette, and many hours spent combing through the radio waves in search of certain noises. I added to my initial object an antenna, a radio receiver and upgraded the firmware for transforming the recorded radio broadcast whirl.

The idea to use radio as a part of musical instrument is not new at all, of course - the musicians, artists and engineers were always attracted by the possibility to incorporate radio noises or randomly received radio broadcasts into the sound flow, or use them as a base for synthesizing new sounds. But of course it’s not a reason to not use this technology again and again. Especially interesting to me are receivers which work in a wide spectrum of frequencies: SW, MW, LW. In spite of the fact that the quantity of the stations is diminishing every year, still even in Moscow from the balcony you can catch programs in 5-6 different languages (for some reason, very often they are theological)."


- axoloti board
- dc motors
- servo motor
- hall sensor
- leds
- ldr sensors
- custom electronics
- 1 channel sound system
- Neyva РП-205 radio

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