Saturday, August 31, 2019

MU - Dark Dream

Published on Aug 17, 2019 Precarious333 Music

"Stressful dream. Dark presence. Infinite dimly lit corridors. What does it mean?

Recorded as 4 tracks into Ableton Live 8. EQ, compression, panning and effects added in post.

Patch Notes:

BASS - Q106A saw wave and Corsynth C104 soft clipped saw sequenced by SymplSEQ 1 into Q105 low pass modulated by C106 channel B and AD ENV. C104 starts out static with no CV to pitch until 45 seconds in.

CHIME - Noise Engineering Basimilus Iteritas Magnus controlled by a second SymplSEQ.

MELODIC - Noise Engineering Ataraxic Iteritas Magnus through Q107A low pass filer modulated by AD ENV. Also sequenced by the second SymplSEQ. I love the Noise on this module. Not standard noise but adds instability to the pitch. It's a really nice effect.

GATED - Same Noise Engineering Ataraxic Iteritas Magnus but through Q107A high pass filer into Oakley Deep Equinox modulated by C106 A-B Out then VCA gated 16th notes.

The MELODIC and GATED components coming from the same source and running through the same multimode filter are balanced by the filter frequency knob with GATED high pass fading at high frequency settings and MELODIC fading as the low pass filter closes.

TIMING - MIDI to clock pulse supplied by Buchla 225e syncing Oakley LFO multed to SymplSEQ 1 and CGS01 Sub Oscillator acting as a clock divider/gate mixer creating the odd cadence of SymplSEQ 2. Irregular gate pattern from SymplSEQ 1 triggering an ENV and channel A of C106. Irregular trigger pattern from SymplSEQ 2 runs to sync of the other Oakley LFO re-triggering the cycle. This allows me to control the gate length by using the square out of the LFO at low rate and adjusting the pulse width adding sustain time to the ENV and NE BIM it triggers. The sine out of this LFO modulates wave shape on NE AIM."

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