MATRIXSYNTH: Korg Wavestate Sound Compilation

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Korg Wavestate Sound Compilation

Published on Mar 10, 2020 Korg

"Here’s a compilation of some of the sounds from the new Wavestate synth by Korg. Below are descriptions of the patches heard in the video:

Audio Spa – Quick twists of the Mod Knobs create immediate and dramatic changes to the Wavesequence.

Candy for Elle’s Shoes – A few twists of the Mod Knobs dramatically change the rhythmic pattern and effects on part one of this two-part Performance, and adds LFO modulation to the pads on the second part.

Chop it Up – A great example of how you can use the Mod Knobs to affect selected parts within the Performance, in addition to the default modulation settings.

Iceland Piano – An eerie, pulsating piano dances harmoniously with a light arpeggio-like Wavesequence, fused with a lush pad. Mod Knobs change the pitch and repetitions of the Arpeggio, as well as the samples, brightness of the piano.

Wasted Hip Hop – A freeform beat exploration with the Mod Knobs yielding realtime variations to the to beat, step repeats, and sample pitches, while the Vector Joystick brings parts in and out.

Rando 1 – Roll the dice to see what happens! The wavestate’s Randomizer, indicated by a “dice” icon, makes sweeping changes to any Performance by modifying parameters. You can also edit modifier % or choose which aspects of the sounds are modified, to refine or completely unleash the randomizations.

Rando 2 – An especially “strange” Randomization; somewhere between Whale song and a post-apocalyptic movie score! Thankfully, you can save Randomization to user locations, of which there are plenty!!

Rando 3 – This Randomization thing is just too cool. Check out this aggressive beat with underlying pad. The Mod Knobs are doing their part also!

Synth Komper Arp – A perfect blend of Wavesequencing and Arpeggiation. Mod Knobs control the master effect wet/dry, Wavesequencing samples, and pitch to create endless variations on the theme."

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