MATRIXSYNTH: Metasonix TM 7 Scrotum Smasher Ultra Distortion SN TM7-103 w/ Original Box

Sunday, March 01, 2020

Metasonix TM 7 Scrotum Smasher Ultra Distortion SN TM7-103 w/ Original Box

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via this auction

Nice box. The pedal art is by Dave, creator of The Packrat.

"This was purchased new and put away for over a decade. Recently found amongst a bunch of other pedals and random bits of gear wile moving. I own 3 of them along side other Metasonix gear. I had money back then and kinda went nuts on spending.

It is truly as new as it was the day it arrived from Lake Port CA, home of Metasonix. The tubes are fresh and barely even warmed up.

I tried posting it on but was blocked from doing so because has band the sale of products with 'explicit or offensive content'.

Essentially banning this unit and others from being sold

This unit is loud and extremely aggressive. There is no by pass switch and the knob settings are very sensitive. If you give it time and attention you'll find the sweet spots. The TM 7 is all about those edges. You'll know what im talking about when you plug in a heavy kick drum from a drum machine such as a Roland 808, 909 or JoMoX 888, 999 and JoMox Alpha Base, just to name a few.

Though the real magic happens when you plug a Control Voltage source from a CV sequencer.
Thats right! It also a synth module."

1 comment:

  1. Well, just tell Reverb that their prissy little attitude is losing them money. That should get a message to their greedy little corporate hearts. "Explicit or offensive content"? They do realize they are dealing 24/7 with musicians, right? Who is Reverb trying to kid? The Moral Majority? The rest of the world does not buy that act. As if teenagers and kiddies are browsing their pages with the prices they display. I'll bet Steve Tyler is having a damn good laugh over this.


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