MATRIXSYNTH: BLM 7200 Modular Synthesizer System with AC-420 Aluminum Enclosure

Sunday, April 12, 2020

BLM 7200 Modular Synthesizer System with AC-420 Aluminum Enclosure

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"This modular system is a modern dedication to Alan R. Pearlman (AKA ARP). It uses the instrument list structure from the arp 2600.

Instead of making another clone arp 2600, I wanted to make an updated synthesiser, like an Arp 2700 type of project.

So there are many extra functions on this system, not found on the original arp2600. The only Arp 2600 circuit that is an exact clone, is the Analog Switch.

All the potentiometers are metal knurled type. Knobs are soft touch Black and White.

There are no internal patches. All connections must be manually made between module sections, this is a fully Modular System.

The only modules I did not include are: Reverb FX and Internal Speakers.

(These take care of the Reverb FX and Speakers situation.)

The FX send and Return module lets you patch a stereo fx rack or pedal. I felt this was better than using an old noisy Spring Tank.

The monitoring 1u module lets you patch a stereo cable to a JBL portable speaker for example for monitoring.

The monitoring amp can also be used for headphone monitoring.

In a room full of synthesizer systems, the Darpa Modular Synth will always turn heads or get asked "What about this one?". It is just a gorgeous looking instrument.


This particular item is on a one piece face plate panel. The back case is a 'boat' Bud Industries AC420 Aluminum Enclosure.

Package includes a fully built synthesizer, 10 patch cables, and Power Adapter (world compatible, IEC type use).

Non-USA customers will have to supply their own IEC power cable to match your house outlet type.

DIMENSIONS: 17"(L) x 13"(W) x 3 (Height)"

module list:

*Midi to CV converter

*Europa VCO (Discrete Tri Core) sine, ramp, square, triangle waves

*Europa VCO (Discrete Tri Core) sine, ramp, square, triangle waves

*Cubensis VCO (Zero Through) sine, ramp, square, triangle waves

*FM Sinus problem (Analog Wave Folder)

*Cydonia Stereo BI-Phase Filter (Stereo Analog filter) and Stereo VCA

*Mix Em Up Pro: Audio Mixer, Noise Generator, Sample and Hold, Ring Mod (633 chip)

*Buffer Multiple and Analog Arp 2600 Switch

*Simple ADSR v2

*Duo Quantizer

*Simple Wave Folder (serge diode influenced)

*Simple ADSR v2

*Voltage Processor: 0-5v and 0-10v

*Cyllene VCLFO (digital electric druid firmware)

*Cyllene VCLFO (digital electric druid firmware)

*Trippy Dual AR generator

*Trippy Dual VCA

*Quinarius : Envelope Follower, Booster, Gate Extractor, Comparator, Slew Detector

top 1u:

*DC Mixer, Lag Processor, Monitoring amp

*FX Send and Return

10 patches cables included.

12v DC Adapter is included to power up the system.

The power adapter is auto switching for world wide use.

It uses IEC power cords, you need to supply your own countries IEC cable if your not in the USA.

The internal power supply is a DC-DC 300Khz switching type designed for audio use.

There is also internal PI-Filtering to reduce ripple.

Some extra stuff I recommend that is not included:

*3.5mm stereo cable

*headphones (3.5mm jack)

*portable stereo speaker, charging type. (JBL, SONY, ETC)

*fx rack or fx pedal.

*midi keyboard, like arturia, or akai."

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