MATRIXSYNTH: Akai MPC One (why it's great with midi and eurorack hardware!)

Monday, May 18, 2020

Akai MPC One (why it's great with midi and eurorack hardware!)

Published on May 18, 2020 Perfect Circuit

"The Akai MPC One (and also the new MPC Live II) is not just a great sampler, but also a powerful centerpiece of your hardware studio. The MPC velocity sensitive pads are great for programming in drum patterns with the built in samples or ones that you record or import. There are built in synths as well, and the MPC One can sequence tons of midi hardware as well as CV/Gate hardware like eurorack or semi-modular synths or even vintage pre-midi gear. There are 8 CV outputs which can be configured any way you like to match the gear you are using with it.

If you want to use an external synth more than once in a track you can also easily sample it into the MPC One. The sample gets saved into the project so your samples stay organized. The MPC One is a great sampler/sequencer alternative to all of the XOX style sequencers, you can add some more human feel to your patterns by programming them in with the pads, but you also have quantization or piano roll style editing options available.

MPC One available here:"

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