Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Meet CRAFTsynth 2 0

Modal Electronics

You can find additional posts featuring CRAFTsynth 2.0 here.

"Incorporating the power of 8 wavetable oscillators, CRAFTsynth 2.0 is an exciting modern monophonic synthesiser, not confined to just ‘mono synth’ sounds. With its complex and rich sonic spectrum, CRAFTsynth 2.0 produces modern and contemporary synthesiser sounds for new-school musicians, performers, sound designers and producers.

CRAFTsynth 2.0’s ergonomic user interface with 12 encoders invites you to tweak and modify sounds while playing. Musical programmable arpeggiator patterns elevate moving performances and integrated effects add depth and character to the rich sonic wavetable experience. Powered by USB or batteries CRAFTsynth 2.0 comes in a portable, compact desktop-style enclosure with full size MIDI connections and analogue Sync I/Os. It can be easily integrated into music creation environments in studios or live rigs and delivers countless hours of fun and inspiration while travelling.

Engine Power
Two WAVE groups with 4 oscillators each provide deep hands-on control over the sound and sweep smoothly through their chosen wave banks. Process and cross modulate these waveforms with 1 of 16 oscillator modifiers including Frequency / Phase Modulation, Hard / Window Sync, Ring / Amp Modulation, Derez / Bitcrush, Wavefolders and Waveshapers.

The state-variable 2-pole filter morphs from low pass through to band pass and through to high pass. With its resonance feature it picks out rich harmonics at high resonance levels. Three dedicated envelopes for the filter, amp and modulation give excessive control of the dynamics and expression. The available 2 LFOs can be synced to internal or external tempo to modulate oscillators, filters and other crucial elements of the synthesis engine. The second LFO syncs also to a division of the fundamental frequency of the played notes for both brutal and subtle modulation of the sound.

Performance made easy
CRAFTsynth 2.0 has an unmistakeably simple modulation matrix that allows users to quickly and easily create complex modulation routings to evolve the sound. This coupled with the Arp-Seq, playing and tweaking the synthesiser incredibly intuitive and rewarding. On-board Scales are a powerful tool to boost creativity and with the an array of endless encoders musicians control and tweak sounds with easeOpen To All Environments
CRAFTsynth 2.0 has a comprehensive set of connections to power and control the synth using USB, monitor with headphones or using the dedicated line output, sync with external gear using the full-size MIDI in and out or the 3.5 mm Sync in or outputs.

Expanding the sound of CRAFTsynth 2.0 is possible by polychaining up to 4 units for a total of 4 voices and 32 oscillators.

Stand Out With Effects
Built-in distortion (waveshaping overdrive) and delay effects add character and depth to the signal. The distortion generates interesting overtone textures from subtitle to heavy overdrive.

The delay effect injects expressive complexity from short slap-backs and room-style reverb sounds to long overlaying or psychedelic echoes. To create chorusing and other time-based effects the delay can be modulated. Internal or external sync generate rhythmic interaction with the tempo of a track."

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