MATRIXSYNTH: slow music - Playing with the new w/ firmware

Sunday, July 05, 2020

slow music - Playing with the new w/ firmware


"Basically this whole patch/track snowballed out of playing with the exciting new firmware for the Whimsical Raps w/ module - this is using the delay mode. Absolutely no scripts on either Crow or Teletype for once. Having decided that it was a candidate for leaving the rack - I'm getting to know Rene a lot better and using it more. Ochd also proving to be superb - it gets used in *everything*. A proper 'value for money' purchase!

The new "landscape" setup is really helping me get to know modules better - because I can see them properly! Looking forward to the virus easing enough for me to go for an eye test and get some varifocals or something (I'm not hurrying 'cos of all my heart stuff )

I stopped caring about "views" so it builds very slowly, won't interest the watch the first 10 seconds and skip crowd at all. Eagle eyed viewers might spot a little doggy in the mix :-) The video layout possibly marginally better than last weeks but still working on it"

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