MATRIXSYNTH: SYNTH VS SYNTH -- Modal Skulpt or Modal Craft 2.0?

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

SYNTH VS SYNTH -- Modal Skulpt or Modal Craft 2.0?

Noir Et Blanc Vie

"First off this is NOT a review, this is a chronicle of my time owning both. I've owned the Skulpt and Craft 2.0 for about a year. Honestly I don't think I could have made this review without having to go through my normal routine with them. So yeah, it took like a year, which did I pick up when I was going to the beach, which one did I enjoy regardless of the shortcoming. Please see the section "from Noir the editor" about some things you'll need to use these with an iPad.

I want to make this clear, it takes time to bring a genuine personal experience and put it into words. So yeah, thank you for your patience."

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