MATRIXSYNTH: flight of harmony Infernal Noise Machine (INM-E) Eurorack Module on Kickstarter

Thursday, September 24, 2020

flight of harmony Infernal Noise Machine (INM-E) Eurorack Module on Kickstarter

First announced in July, and featured in a few posts, flight of harmony's Infernal Noise Machine (INM-E) Eurorack Module is now on Kickstarter.

The original Infernal Noise Machine was in desktop form (pictured below) and has been featured here on MATRIXSYNTH over the years. You can see the prototype here. Trent Reznor of Nine Inch Nails had one as seen here.

The following is some info pulled from the Kickstarter (be sure to click through for more):

"The Infernal Noise Machine is actually the first device ever created at f(h), back in 2007. Designed as a standalone, or "desktop " device. It was later released in multiple limited-run batches over the years, with all available units sold out during preorder each time."

"What is it?

The Infernal Noise Machine is a sound synthesizer, not a music synthesizer.

It was designed towards the creation of noise, sound effects, and for the general field of sound design. Having said that, the INM can create a full range of “musical” tones and sound, but that was not the primary goal. It can be used completely independently, but is intended for use with external control voltage (CV) sources to affect or modulate various parameters, which is where the INM truly comes alive.

So what can you do with it? Incidental sounds and ambiances, unholy caterwauling, soundscapes from melancholy to manic, even percussion and traditional musical sounds. The Infernal Noise Machine is particularly effective for making drones that evolve with time, with no external sources required. The internal architecture allows for a wide range of self-evolving, beat-frequency style tonal variations over an infinite range of rates. There is really no simple way to describe what the INM can do – you have to find out for yourself. This is a unique device. It requires a bit of time and patience to get a feel for how it works, but it is worth the effort."

"The new Infernal Noise Machine has the same sound, features, and potential as the original, but has been completely redesigned and refined. Each format brings its own needs and possibilities, so the system has been expanded to allow even more utility than the original, while keeping it as compact as feasible without impacting the philosophy behind the design."

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