MATRIXSYNTH: Flight of Harmony

Showing posts with label Flight of Harmony. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Flight of Harmony. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Facehugger r014 triple chain

video upload by flightofharmony

"Three Facehugger r014 function generators chained together (in series), fully functional at last!"

Thursday, August 17, 2023

Facehugger r013 Chain2 demo

video upload by flightofharmony

Update: "Re-upload because the text wasn't visible."

"The chaining feature of the Facehugger function generator is working!
This is a two-unit demo, showing some of the features and use of the Tail output for emphasis

OBS output the file in 640x480 for some reason, my apologies. Not gonna redo a pre-beta demo video though.

Caption text:
00:15 In this video, the Head Out is connected to the Infernal Noise Machine VCO CV input. Next, the Tail Out is connected to the INM IMP Frequency CV input, adding emphasis to the notes played by the Tail stages.

00:33 The Facehuggers are chained (in series) via the rear chaining headers. The Head unit outputs all stages, while the Body and Tail units only output their respective stages.

00:43 The controls of each unit only affect the output of that unit - Length, Level, Speed, Curve, Root, Scale, Direction, Glide, etc. Trigger and Gate signals are rerouted to the Head unit and start/restart/maintain the full sequence.

1:36 Connecting the Tail Out to the INM VCA2 CV input

1:49 Now changing various control settings - Direction, Root, Scale, Curve.

3:08 That's it for now, thanks for watching!
Next will be a demo of a 3-unit chain, after I get the third unit working."

Facehugger r013 Chain1 test

video upload by flightofharmony

"First test of chained Facehuggers. Triggering & sequence working, need to figure out why the stage 2 output isn't being passed through, so no audio. Works great otherwise though."

Friday, July 21, 2023

flightofharmony Dealers don’t wanna restock and I don’t wanna find a job yet 20% off everything sale

via flightofharmony where you'll find additional details on the sale.

"As the catchy title implies, I’m broke and need money. This means I need to get a job. I don’t want to just yet because I’d like to at least get the Facehugger control module out to beta testers before I put everything on hold for a bit, which means desperate sale time, yay! Also, it’s Summer, which means that, even though they’re largely sold out of most f(h) modules, it’s the slow time for Synthland, and dealers don’t like to restock until Fall, so this is a great chance to get some unavailable gear for a great price! Now, onwards, to the rules!

What’s covered?
Everything – which means all currently-active product lines, both modules and kits. Which means:

Facehugger – Function Generator, arpeggiator, etc. Preorder item, see note below.
Famine (1500 & 500) – Voltage-controlled power starvation module.
IMP – Noise source.
Desktop Infernal Noise Machine – Road-worthy version of the Infernal Noise Machine, see note below.
Parasite Antifilter – Hellacious distortion, fuzz, drone generator, ambience generator, drum tone source, I mean holy hell this things is fun and surprising.
Plague Bearer – Voltage-controlled Bandpass filter, distortion, the classic.
Sinner – Sine shaper and signal processor.
Sound of Shadows – Voltage controlled, chainable digital delay.
1-6-13 – Protected eurorack power distribution board
5×5 – Passthrough +5V power source, plug into any open spot on your power board and not lose the spot.

This even includes the last of the desktop Infernal Noise Machine Blood Boxes/Minimal Cases and even the Facehugger preorder, but please note the longer lead times involved on those items."

Saturday, July 08, 2023

flightofharmony Facehugger preorders and the last of the Blood Boxes

Facehugger ► Parasite video upload by flightofharmony

First a new video for Facehugger. Blood Box details further below.

"Using the Facehugger function generator to control Parasite Antifilter (compilation video).

Starting with a tone from Parasite, then adding a drone from the Infernal Noise Machine, and then using the Facehugger output to control the Mid Q CV input, with random noodlings from thereon.

Facehugger preorders are open now, details at"

via flightofharmony

"Facehugger: Pre-orders for the new Facehugger all-analog, vector-addressable, chainable, function generator are now open!

The alpha prototype has been built, corrected, and is fully working. The design has been updated and the next circuit board designs are almost complete. The beta and (hopefully) final PCBs will be ordered this week, and test units should be sent out to testers next week, and the production units are expected to ship mid-September."


"Infernal Noise Machine Blood Box: It’s Summer, so it’s time to build the last of the desktop INM Blood Boxes. The first run sold out and now even the eurorack versions are gone, so this run is the very last of the V2 Infernal Noise Machines that will be built."

Friday, July 07, 2023

Facehugger function generator - 3 patterns in one switch

video upload by flightofharmony

"Testing the prototype and found this unexpected trick: switching the Polarity/Direction toggle switch to change the patterns.

• Output to Infernal Noise Machine VCO CV Input.
• Length switch is set to 4.
• Up (far right) sets the output to positive-only, moving left to right.
• Up/Up (middle) sets the output to bipolar, moving left to right.
• Up/Down sets the output to bipolar and reverses the direction, moving right to left. If you use an external signal, it reverses direction when the input signal is negative.

Preorders for the Facehugger are open now!"

Thursday, May 11, 2023

Flight of Harmony Quad Plague Bearer Rev 3.2

Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.

via this auction

"Flight of Harmony Quad Plague Bearer Rev 3.2. This is 4 Plague Bearer Eurorack filters in a single enclosure. It can be powered by 9v batteries or a AC adapter (not included). This is in perfect working order with a few small blemishes (see images)."

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Last Call to fund flightofharmony's Facehugger Eurorack Module

flightofharmony's Facehugger Kickstarter campaign ends in 65 hours. If you have any interest in seeing it make the light of day, now is the time. Click through for full details on the module and the campaign.

Saturday, April 15, 2023

Facehugger - The Muffin Man

video upload by flightofharmony

"Using the Facehugger function generator to control multiple instruments simultaneously.

• Facehugger Out is sent through a buffered multiple to the desktop Infernal Noise Machine VCO Tune CV input for the lead, and to the Choices joystick Y-axis In,
• Choices Y Out to Parasite Antifilter Low Q CV input for the bassline and squealing.
• Choices X Out to Facehugger Root CV input, shifting the patterns up or down.
• Finally, INM Out through Sound of Shadows PT2399 delay.

The Facehugger Kickstarter is in the final stretch - Early Bird deep discounts have been extended until April 21st, grab yours while you can!"

Thursday, April 13, 2023

Facehugger Alpha R02 and Parasite Antifilter Unedited

"Noodling around with the Facehugger function controlling the Parasite Antifilter, part 1.
Drone with INM into Parasite

The Facehugger Kickstarter runs until April 22nd - please help make the Facehugger a reality!"

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Facehugger Alpha R02 Sound of Shadows digital delay test

video upload by flightofharmony

"Requested demonstration of using the Facehugger to control a Sound of Shadows PT2399 delay module. Again, a lot of noodling and experimenting.
I have to say, that I honestly wasn't expecting much with this ne but oh boy, was I wrong. This was a LOT of fun. I really wasn't expecting a lot of what came out of this.

Some random points of interest:
1:46 Bees
2:00 They'll laugh at you
2:55 Beep boop clang
4:22 Scratch
4:42 Beat
5:30 Whales in space
6:29 Secret pulse (no audio input)
7:43 I broke it
10:00 Roar
10:55 Bringing it back in
11:38 Okay, that's cool.

The Facehugger Kickstarter runs until April 22nd - please help make the Facehugger a reality!"

Facehugger Alpha R02 Envelope Test

video upload by flightofharmony

"Requested demonstration of using the Facehugger as an envelope generator. A lot of noodling and experimenting.

The Facehugger Kickstarter runs until April 22nd - please help make the Facehugger a reality!"

Saturday, April 08, 2023

New flightofharmony Facehugger Alpha R02 Demos

video upload by flightofharmony

The Facehugger Kickstarter runs until April 22nd - please help make the Facehugger a reality!

1. Facehugger Alpha R02 Trigger & Gate demonstration
Demonstrating the updated trigger and gate function of the Facehugger function generator.

The Facehugger trigger input now accepts both trigger and gate signals, converting gates to triggers as well as continuing to cycle as long as the gate is present. The Facehugger cycle will also reset if it receives another trigger while running.
2. Facehugger Alpha R02 Scale & Root function comparison demonstration
Comparing Facehugger function generator's voltage-controlled Scale and Root functions.
3. Facehugger Alpha R02 Glide function demonstration
Demonstrating the updated Glide function of the Facehugger function generator.

The Glide or portamento function smooths the transition between stages. Facehugger has two types of Glide: logarithmic and linear. In this video, the logarithmic glide is tuned for longer sequences, while the linear glide is tuned for quicker sequences like VCA envelopes.
4. Facehugger Alpha R02 Root Demonstration
Demonstrating the Root function of the Facehugger function generator.

Root shifts the root or base note of the pattern up or down.
5. Facehugger Alpha R02 Scale Demonstration
Demonstrating the new Scale function of the Facehugger function generator. Scale allows you to scale the output in magnitude, from +1V/±1V to +10V/±10V.
6. Facehugger Alpha R02 Length Demonstration
Demonstrating the Length function of the Facehugger function generator.

Length selects how long the pattern is, from 1 to 8 steps.
The Facehugger Kickstarter runs until April 22nd - please help make the Facehugger a reality!

Thursday, April 06, 2023

Facehugger Square Wave Ext In Non-Linear sequencing.

video upload by flightofharmony

"Demonstration of the nonlinear behavior of Facehugger when driven by a nonlinear Control Signal. Here, an Infernal Noise Machine LFO square wave is sent through Sinner to level shift and then to Facehugger Ext In jack.

Facehugger project is live on Kickstarter until Saturday, April 22, 2023!"

Wednesday, April 05, 2023

Facehugger Voltage-Controlled Scale test

video upload by flightofharmony

"Demonstration of the added voltage-controlled Scale feature, comparing it with the voltage-controlled Root feature. All the solo features are now fully functional, more videos soon.

Facehugger project is live on Kickstarter until Saturday, April 22, 2023!"

Facehugger driven by nonlinear IMP noise source.

video upload by flightofharmony

"Demonstration of the nonlinear behavior of Facehugger when driven by a nonlinear Control Signal. Here, the Facehugger is controlled by the output of an IMP noise module.
Facehugger project is live on Kickstarter until Saturday, April 22, 2023!"

Tuesday, April 04, 2023

IT WORKS - Facehugger prototype rev 0.2

video upload by flightofharmony

"Got the updated Facehugger breadboard prototype functioning. All solo functions are now working. I'll get some more videos up after doing some adjustments."

Facehugger project is live on Kickstarter until Saturday, April 22, 2023!

Monday, April 03, 2023

Facehugger - Loop Out to Root

video upload by flightofharmony

"Patching the output back into the Root jack and messing around.

Facehugger project is live on Kickstarter until Saturday, April 22, 2023!"

Friday, March 31, 2023

Facehugger - Rate Multiplier

video upload by flightofharmony

"Experimenting with rate multiplication by using the sliders. (Didn't set up X input for scope since this was for audio only.):

Facehugger project is live on Kickstarter until Saturday, April 22, 2023!"

Thursday, March 30, 2023

Facehugger - Tri Drive and Ramp Root at audio rates.

video upload by flightofharmony

"Driving Facehugger with an audio rate triangle wave to Ext In at various frequencies and settings, then sweeping the Root input with a ramp wave at various speeds. This was a lot of fun. (Eventually I noticed that the scope had stopped displaying and recalibrated it.)

Facehugger project is live on Kickstarter until Saturday, April 22, 2023!"

Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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