MATRIXSYNTH: Novation Teases New Aphex Twin Collaboration

Thursday, October 08, 2020

Novation Teases New Aphex Twin Collaboration

Apparenlty these billboards are popping up in LA, Berlin, Bristol, and London per CDM.

Click the image to the left to zoom in and find some clues, if they apply that is.

On the left you'll see X-Station. The original X-Station was a controller keyboard with the K-Station engine built in. Note the font below it.

On the right you'll see Osc Filter Mod. Below you'll see Microtuning.

Feel free to see what else you can find.

Aphex Twin also worked with Novation on the AFX Mode Bass Station II and the Warp Records WXAXRXP 30th Anniversary Bass Station II.

Rumor is we'll find out Oct 20.

Update: and an image of the purported box spotted by Soviet Space Child.


  1. Now, X-Station prices on eBay are going to jump.

  2. Although it says X-station, most of the graphics are from the Bass Station 2. I'm still hoping for a Circuit 2, or some combination of the Mono station and Circuit.


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