MATRIXSYNTH: RMI Keyboard Computer (KC1) combo organ

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

RMI Keyboard Computer (KC1) combo organ


1973 - The Computer Keyboard (prototype)
1974 - The Keyboard Computer (this one)
1975 - The Keyboard Computer II (until 1982)

"...'morganfisherart' did an excellent job demonstrating the KC2 [posted here], but there weren't any good ones for the KC1 unless you count the 1974 RMI demo record. I recorded my KC1 direct using no effects or EQ. Hopefully this video should clear up some misinformation around the internet. This instrument is not a sample player or a synthesizer, it was never available to the public with illuminated buttons, and channel 3 is not even in the same ballpark as a "white noise effect".

I have to do a shout-out to a couple of scholarly gentlemen who wrote a book in 2019 that I highly recommend called "Classic Keys, Keyboard Sounds That Launched Rock Music". A few years ago I had my Keyboard Computer professionally photographed and a couple of those pictures were used in this book. Anyway this book is filled with a lot of very in-depth research and even recently won an award."

You can find additional RMI Keyboard Computer posts here.

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