MATRIXSYNTH: Red Sound Voyager 1 Beat Extractor - Audio to MIDI Clock Sync Interface

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Red Sound Voyager 1 Beat Extractor - Audio to MIDI Clock Sync Interface

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Never seen these before. First time posted on the site. RedSound of course made the Darkstar synths.


  1. I've seen these before, but it still looks as if someone thought the Darkstar was't desktop module enough and needed a trim.

  2. Give the chrome model to a musician friend with OCD and watch her or him go crazy spending more time wiping fingerprints than playing.

  3. Would this also extract a beat/bpm from, let's say, a tape-loop of windchimes? Bird song? The age-old audio-to-midi-clock question, really. And/or alternative options? Or is this not the place to ask – then I'm sorry!


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