MATRIXSYNTH: VAI 4 : Maestro Rhythm King - Maestro USS - Crumar Multiman S/2 - Elka Solist

Thursday, December 17, 2020

VAI 4 : Maestro Rhythm King - Maestro USS - Crumar Multiman S/2 - Elka Solist

Vintage Audio Institute Italia

"Making good use of the Crumar Multiman S/2 string separate outputs: string section are going through the Mu-Tron phaser, brass and bass sections are going through the Maestro Rhythm Kings' modulation effect : an input in the back of the drum machine will chop up the input signal like a rhythmic tremolo.
From there is goes to the Maestro Universal Synthesizer (?) System, possibly the first multi-effect ever put on the market, triggering the envelope filter and adding some phaser there as well...
The Maestro Kings' drums are processed through the Roland RE-301 for crunch and echo.
The Elka Solist 505 monophonic synthesizer is playing the lead.

We make these videos as a showcase for our studio and for curious vintage heads - and for fun.
We don't dilly-dally too much with production and mixing but it can sound pretty good with headphones on."

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