MATRIXSYNTH: Modal 002 review & sound demo

Sunday, January 24, 2021

Modal 002 review & sound demo

video by synthlegends

"Modal Electronics review, going through and sound demo.

The Modulus 002 was the first synthesizer from the new established company Modal Electronics from Bristol, UK in 2015. The frist batches named Modulus 002. Because of legal issues the name changed to Modal 002.

It was developed mainly by Paula Maddox, who wanted to set the spirit oft he PPG wave in the next century. The Modal 002 uses NCO oscillators, which have a variable sample rate and sound more alive than DSP. Beside that the Signal Path ist full analog alongside with a marvelous sounding ladder filter.

Because of bad marketing and a very steep price the Modal 002 was not very successful when relaunched. Also there were a lot of bugs in the software and some audio issues which caused a bad publicity in forums. Meanwhile the 002 is grown up, the last big update was relaunched in 2019.

For me the 002 is the real sucessor of the PPG wave, it really sounds astonishing. It is one of the best hybrid synthesizers which have been ever bulit. This is my opinion. Unfortunately you can’t get this synth new from Modal Electronics, just on the used market from time to time.

I recorded the 002 directly with two audio jacks in a stereo track into my interface. There is no mastering, external FX and compression. In some patches you can listen to internal FX. The patches I used I got from a great youtube fellow, Sean Christopher Dockery (Quantum 7 on gearslutz). Thank you very much, Sean for those great patches.

The first 15 minutes of this video I go through most functions and parameters. In the second part beginning from 15:20​ I play a bunch of sounds, first mostly pads, later on leads, basses, bells and organ style sounds.

I hope, you enjoy this video. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask my in the comments."

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