MATRIXSYNTH: Voice Panning mod on Prophet 600: demo

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Voice Panning mod on Prophet 600: demo

video by Valmont

"Really happy to have a true-stereo Prophet 600 now :p

It can go subtly stereo (Like a roomy presence) to some wide spread. A huge plus for mixing the modern way.​

The original mono output level was pretty low, but the new one with the stereo mod is much higher. I didn't even use a preamp!

The Prophet output is actually a stereo plug connector, with two contacts duplicated. So I didn't even have to drill another hole, I just reused the original output :) Tho to keep the mono mix out, my synth tech disconnected the filter-cv input, and made it a secondary out. A great tip to have a stereo Prophet for studio use, and a mono Prophet on the stage, without having to change all the trimmers!

0:13​ - Polymod synth
0:50​ - Arpeggio
1:25​ - Pad
1:48​ - Lil Brazz"

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