MATRIXSYNTH: Haken Continuum / EaganMatrix - Jenny Oscillator Basics

Sunday, May 09, 2021

Haken Continuum / EaganMatrix - Jenny Oscillator Basics

video by EaganMatrix Programming

"A discussion of the operation and programming of the EaganMatrix Jenny Oscillator (pronounced "Genie") that is included in post 9.0 Haken Continuum and ContinuuMini firmware. The Jenny Oscillator is synced to a Master DSF Oscillator. It has its origins from that used in Georges Jenny's Ondioline (invented 1941), though Lippold Haken has added a number of extensions to this new digital implementation (the only digital model known to be available). Christophe Duquesne had the original idea and with Lippold and Ed Eagan they worked on and implemented this wonderful new addition to the EaganMatrix, ideal for creating a wide variety of reedy timbres with complex harmonic spectra."

1 comment:

  1. Actually Jenny would be pronounced zhay-NEE.


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