MATRIXSYNTH: Vahlbruch SpaceTime: Dark delay with the DB-01 synth (no talking)

Tuesday, June 08, 2021

Vahlbruch SpaceTime: Dark delay with the DB-01 synth (no talking)

video by Richard DeHove

"The SpaceTime is a mono, 660ms, analog-digital hybrid delay pedal. It has three tone modes: Bright, Mellow and Dark. The Dark mode is very dark and even at full mix it's quite soft - but then turn if off and now you really notice what it was doing. As the noodling here shows it won't go all the way to self-oscillation, and instead dances around the edge. The SpaceTime sure isn't cheap, but then this is a solid, quiet, beautifully finished "Handmade in Germany" pedal. The soft-touch switch is very smooth and a real contrast to some 'heavy clickers'. I bought my SpaceTime direct from Vahlbruch and made a special request for black knobs, which was done at no extra cost :) Their site: (I have absolutely no connection with them other than as a normal customer). They also have a bigger tap-tempo version of SpaceTime, but it didn't look as nice to me and it's sort of fun dialling in tempo by ear (well, sometimes).
0:00 Mellow mode
0:38 Bright mode
0:59 Full mix level
1:54 Shortest repeat level
2:45 Mellow mode
3:12 Second pattern
3:55 Delayed sinewave VCF
4:30 Third pattern
4:40 Oscillation fun
6:04 Long delay drone jam
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