MATRIXSYNTH: Lexicon 224XL Digital Reverberator for Parts (ex-LucasFilm) SN 224-3785

Tuesday, August 03, 2021

Lexicon 224XL Digital Reverberator for Parts (ex-LucasFilm) SN 224-3785

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via this auction

Lucas Arts IN 0107400

"ex-LucasFilm Lexicon 224XL rackmount unit, w/power supply and six original cards, as a parts unit. Or you can buy a clone LARC and SBC board, fabricate a front panel for it, and you'll be off and running as the owner of one of the best digital reverbs ever made.

The 224XL is a classic vintage reverb released in 1984, and used on hundreds of hits back in the day, and in many LucasFilm movies, since this one was owned by LucasFilm (Star Wars / Indiana Jones / Labyrinth, etc.) as shown by the sticker on the back panel. It still sounds incredible in the modern studio. The 224XL fits so well in the mix, perfect for drums, vocals, anything you throw at it.

FUNCTIONALITY: Unit not been tested for functionality. All the boards appear to be populated as shown in the photos. I bought this as a spare parts unit some time ago but never got around to using it (I don't own a fully functioning 224XL to test these cards in).

It is missing: 1) front panel (can be fabricated and silk-screened) 2) LARC remote and cable (a clone is available and originals show up from time to time) 3) SBC board (clones are available online). 4) May need a new power switch and power LED installed. The OPT slot was for an optional NVS memory board, a clone of which is also available online.

Lexicon 224XL case, DMEM, T&C, ARU, FPC, AIN, & AOUT cards (as shown), integrated power supply (standard US Voltage)."

1 comment:

  1. Hi i need a 224 opt card Thanking you


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