MATRIXSYNTH: Korg M1R Music Workstation Digital Synthesizer Module SN 005902 w/ Original Box

Saturday, January 29, 2022

Korg M1R Music Workstation Digital Synthesizer Module SN 005902 w/ Original Box

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"A small patch of display segments are missing in the middle of the screen (pictured). Not really affecting the readability. Includes original box, rack ears, and model ID cards.

In 1988 Korg released the M1R Musicworkstation rackmount synthesizer. It featured everything from the M1 Musicworkstation minus the keyboard.The expansion slots were similar however the M1R uses the M1R-EX package over the M1's M1-EX edition.

Considered by Korg to be the first workstation type of instrument where it kept everything completely self contained with it's own built in sounds and effects while also able to connect outside itself through MIDI.

M1 sounds features 16 voices in single mode and 8 voices in double mode. It also has Combination mode which allows the user to play up to 8 single programas layered or split across it's 61 key keyboard.

The high quality digital PCM samples offer a variety of acoustic, synthesizer, and drum/percussion sounds. It also has a wide variety of onboard effects with 2 effects blocks. the instrument also features 2 expansion slots using Korg's proprietary ram and rom cards. 1 slot for sample rom expansion and the other for program/combination expansion for up to an extra 100 each. The sequencer offered up to 77,000 events but was reduced to 44,000 when the memory is allocated to 100 programs/combinations."

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