MATRIXSYNTH: Animal Factory Amplification - Three new modules

Friday, April 08, 2022

Animal Factory Amplification - Three new modules

video upload by John Schussler

"Animal Factory Amplification consistently turns out some of the best distortion modules available. I have, well, all of them.

Today I got a shipment of the three latest modules: two are upgrades of existing models, and one is brand new. At the time of this video's creation the manuals weren't yet available, so I'm having to guess a bit as to functionality. Take my commentary with a grain of salt.

Baron Samedi and Pit Viper have both been reworked as surface mount rather than through hole point-to-point wired PCBs. I tried them side by side, and hear no significant difference between the older and newer modules in terms of the quality of sound.

The newer versions do, however, have some new tricks up their sleeve, which you'll see shortly.

And then there's the entirely new module: Bonesaw, a filter with built in FM and drive so as to properly fit in to the nasty, grimy, tear it up, huge tone sound AFA is famous for.

Sequence: Stochastic IG. Envelope: Zadar

00:00 Intro
00:20 Baron Samedi
08:14 Pit Viper
13:46 Bonesaw"

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