MATRIXSYNTH: Super Lazy Sci-Fi Soundtrack 2 - Sonicware ELZ_1 Only

Saturday, May 07, 2022

Super Lazy Sci-Fi Soundtrack 2 - Sonicware ELZ_1 Only

video upload by ChrisLody

"I finally got round to recording something in my new studio! Just the amount of work I've had to do in my spare time to get my studio up and running was enough to wear me out but I've also been suffering from some pretty bad hay-fever so I've spent quite a lot of time just hanging out in here and refining things without really having the time or energy to use it for anything.

A week or so ago though a package arrived at my house completely unexpectedly. Sonicware had managed to find me an old back stock ELZ_1. This was a very nice surprise as I didn't think I'd ever get to try one out. They are currently not being manufactured but they are still being supported, both from Sonicware directly and through the Facebook group so I now have the chance to learn how it functions so I can help out out and answer questions where necessary.

What better way to test it and my new studio than a quick and dirty jam that explores the ELZ_1's cinematic potential then. This jam uses the Dig oscillator algorithm that generates tones from a single sample by looping and shifting along a small section that the user can define. So far it seems like a pretty unique way to design sounds. It also has quite a few built in effects that can be stacked so here I'm altering the cutoff envelope depth at the start and then tweaking a bit crusher with chorus and reverb added onboard. No external FX were used. The ELZ_1 has a lot of potential it seems :)"

Additonal Sonicware ELZ_1 posts

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