MATRIXSYNTH: Behringer UB-Xa - Polyphonic Aftertouch Sound Demo

Tuesday, June 07, 2022

Behringer UB-Xa - Polyphonic Aftertouch Sound Demo

video upload by The Synth King

"This little piece of music showcases the superb keybed of the UB-Xa. It provides velocity sensivity and polyphonic aftertouch enabling you to play your music with extraordinary expressivity. In this split performance filter frequency, volume, LFO speed and intensity of the upper preset (in unison mode employing only one voice) is controlled by poly aftertouch. Moreover volume, VCF and VCA attack is also controlled by velocity.

The lower pad sound uses OB-8 “second page” functions such as LFO rate delay here controlling panorama position. Furthermore LFO rate is influenced by poly aftertouch as well.

This music genre beggs for delay and reverb. I´ve used two Lexicon PCM 70 connected to my main mixing desk as send effects . Everything is played life and recorded in one take without any edits or further audio processing. Enjoy the music!

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