MATRIXSYNTH: Roland SH-7 Vintage 44-Key Duophonic Analog Synthesizer

Sunday, August 14, 2022

Roland SH-7 Vintage 44-Key Duophonic Analog Synthesizer

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"With an additional MIDI to CV/Gate interface, you are able to control the CV, Gate and the filter cutoff of the SH-7.

The SH-7 is a 2-VCO, duophonic analog synthesizer with a 31/2-octave, 44-note (F-C) keyboard. Both VCOs can be switched between triangle,sawtooth, square, and pulse waveforms. VCO2 can be detuned from VCO1.Pulse-width can be controlled by the LFO or ENV1 (envelope generator 1). EachVCO has three sliders that adjust how much it is affected by the LFO, S/H, anda function called "Autobend". Autobend allows the VCO to slide up ordown to a pitch. The Autobend function has controls for polarity and time. VCO1has an additional square wave section (called VCO1B) wherein five sliderscontrol the volume of each square wave (2', 4', 8', 16', and 32'). This worksin much the same way as an organ's drawbars do. The SH-7 also features a ringmodulator where the first input is VCO1 and the second is switchable betweenVCO2 and an external signal (via the external input jack in the back). There isa switch for oscillator sync. However, it does not achieve the usual"sync" sound. A mixer section provides five sliders, VCO1A, VCO1B,VCO2, Noise, and the last one switchable between the Ring Modulator and the External Signal.

The SH-7 features a single VCF (self-oscillating, 24dB/octave)with five sliders controlling modulation, many of them having a switch tochoose between two options. The modulation sliders are for are the ENV1 (withswitchable polarity), LFO or S/H, Keyboard or optional pedal, VCO1 or noise,and an envelope follower from the external signal (also with switchablepolarity). The VCA can be controlled by either ENV1or ENV2, and has a Hold button and a slider for LFO amount. Both ENV1 and ENV2are ADSR envelopes and each has three trigger options, gate/trigger, gate, andLFO. The sample-and-hold section features three waveforms sources and an OutputLag slider (a rare but extremely useful feature). The LFO can output sine,up-ramp, or pulse waveforms, and has controls for rate and delay. Portamentocan be set for just up, just down or both ways. The bender can be set tomodulate the VCO, VCF, and/or the VCA with varying amounts of control voltageor LFO signal."

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