Sunday, September 25, 2022

Vaemi R2R Ladder

video uploads by Vaemi

Playlist: [don't miss the last video for a musical example]

R2R Ladder : Basic Features : Vaemi (Eurorack)
Now we will use the module as 8 in 1 out. Using the output of an oscillator we can hear exactly how the module works. The sound level is getting lower and lower. Now we will use the module as 1 in - 8 out. Again, when we go down from the outputs, we hear the sound lower.In fact, the module is like an attenuator or a mixer.It can also be considered as a passive multiple. Now let's use it like a mixer and summing the outputs of two separate oscillators.
R2R Ladder : CV Modulation with R2R Ladder : Vaemi (Eurorack)
In this video we will use the R2R Ladder module to create a CV modulation. To hear what we're doing, I first connect the 2nd oscillator's Sine wave output to an LPG. We get the sound from LPG. We use the 1st oscillator to make FM. After passing the 1st oscillator through a VCA, we direct it to the FM input of the 2nd oscillator. I make Maths the Master clock and activate the clock divider right next to it. Standard 5V gate signals are output from each output of the clock divider. I am summing these signals with the help of the R2r Ladder module and determining their levels. R2R Ladder is currently used as 8 in - 1 out. The output of R2R controls the VCA we use for FM. Now, we cancel the signal we sent to vca on the R2R ladder and direct this signal to LPG.
R2R Ladder : Waveshaper Patch : Vaemi (Eurorack)
In this video, you can think that we are using the R2R Ladder module like a waveshaper or like a mixer. We connect the 1v/oct output of the sequencer to the first oscillator. We connected it to the Trig input of Maths at the gate outputs of the Sequencer. We will get the Square Wave output of the first oscillator, but we will not listen to it. With this frequency, we will operate the clock divider at a frequency of audio rate and we will begin to hear the dividers of the frequencies of the oscillator, that is, the harmonic degrees. Output number 1 in clock divider is exactly the same as the frequency of the oscillator.Now we can combine different different harmonics with R2R module. In this way, you will get more complex square waveforms.
R2R Ladder : 8 bit Arcade Style Squencer Patch : Vaemi (Eurorack)
In this video, we will make an 8bit arcade style sequencer patch. R2R Ladder is able to do this job without disturbing the tune. While making the patch, be very careful not to disturb the calibration. There are 2 separate sounds in this patch. One of the voices is synthbass and the other is a lead synth. We will do the modulation to the Lead synth. The lead synth with the 2.oscillator is played the 1v/oct input with a sequencer. On the Exponential FM input, we will add a CV modulation consisting of square waves obtained with the help of a clock divider and R2R Ladder. We hear the results together.

"R2R Ladder is a piece of unique ancillary equipment. It is inspired by DAC, and it is one of the most important and essential parts of it. Designed by Vaemi, this R2R Ladder module is an 8-bit converter. Through the inputs and outputs, whether it is audio or cv, you can enter all types of AC and DC signals. You can think of each channel as 1 bit. Each 1-bit data you send to the inputs will increase incrementally. For instance, a square waveform can be regarded as a binary system. Every channel has 2 resistances, series and parallel; and through these, you can establish a resistance ladder circuit. This circuit gives you the opportunity to get 128 parameters in the binary system, from 0 to 127.

You can use the module as 8 in – 1 out or 1 in – 8 out. Therefore, it can be used for a few different tasks. If you enter any signal from the input, from the other 8 output, it will come out as a low signal like an attenuator. The rate of lower signals will change in every input. If you enter 8 inputs, it will serve as a summing mixer. For example, if you combine more than 2 cv signals, you will have a new cv signal. If you enter more than 2 waveforms and use it in an audio rate frequency range, it will act like a waveshaper. The basic principle of a converter is that it works with 1s and 0s. To do this, it uses gate signals. The voltage of the gate signals is stable. When there is no signal, it is 0 volts; and when there is a signal, it is 8 volts. This circuit can split 8 volts into 128 equal pieces. By using the combinations of the inputs, you can reach all of these 128 points. In this way, without even thinking too much, when you combine 3-4 gate signals with this module, it will easily stop on the right notes, which is the right tune, just like in the tampere note system. The reason for this is that the module splits the voltage proportional. These CV signals you have got can be used in various modulations. It can also be used with an attenuator, a mixer and a multiple. The module is passive, and it does not require a power source."

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