MATRIXSYNTH: Speak and Glitch GND-1 circuit bent speech chip synthesizer

Friday, November 11, 2022

Speak and Glitch GND-1 circuit bent speech chip synthesizer

video upload by GND-1

"Here's a short promo for our new Speak& Glitch GND-1, a Circuit Bent Speech Chip Synthesizer unlike any other. Based on an accurate emulation of the speech chip inside the popular Speak and Spell game, the GND-1 pushes into previously impossible circuit bending realms letting you create loops, rhythms and synth sounds in totally new ways.

In addition to the stereo audio output from the synth chip, the MIDI-out rhythm generator on the GND-1 was driving a software 808 drum machine. But it can drive any midi compatible device, whether it's software, hardware, or even mechanical, both via USB midi and a dedicated 5-pin DIN connector.

See for more info.

p.s. the 'flickering' OLED display on the GND-1 in the video is just a video artifact."

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